Big West '19?


Hey, just wanted to see if there was any news on if/when/where Regionals is next year?
I would be very surprised if Denver puts in a bid since we just held nationals.
If there is interest in it, I’m willing to look into hosting again in Seattle since we have a great site for it :) I would just do it during our date mid-summer date to avoid any major rain incidents in the future! (The weekend of June 28-30, 2019)

I’ll connect with some other owners on it, but I loved hosting, and I know some people have hit me up with interest in running plot for it!
New forum forthcoming for Big West 2019....

But yes! There will be one! So far it’s Seattle, Oregon, and San Francisco - other chapters should hit me up if they would like to join!

It will be held at Millersylvania State Park in Olympia, WA (same place as the last Big West) from Thursday, June 27 - Sunday, June 30, 2019. That late June date should significantly decrease our chances of rain :)

More info forthcoming!