Big West 2019 Announcements


Greetings everyone!
Below are a few announcements about Big West 2019. See you all tomorrow!

Opening / Game On: 9 PM Thursday, Hard Lay-On

Game Off: 9 AM Sunday

Site checkout is at noon on Sunday. This is a huge event and we’ll need everyone working together to help us get the site cleaned up quickly. There is a cleaning discount offered by Alliance Seattle of $10 off the next event for those that stay to the end and help clean.

Check In

  • Weapons need to be checked before you go through logistics.

  • The only tags that can be swapped out at logistics are spell books and recipe books.

  • If you are making any production items, have coin with you.

  • Have your MI tags and reps ready for checks when you get in line.

  • EVERYONE needs to fill out and sign a waiver!

  • NPCs do not need to wait in line for Logistics. Please proceed to the front of the line to check in and fill out your waiver.

Cabin Decorations

On the wall next to the door of every cabin, there is a cork board where you can hang phys-reps for Wards, Blissful Rests, and the like; this is the only place where using tacks is allowed. To hang anything else, there are eyelets installed in all of the cabins so that you can hang tapestries and other decorations, the only other thing we’re allowed to use to hang things up is painter’s tape.


  • No fighting on the bridges. They tend to be slick and are too narrow to fight on. If a fight reaches a bridge, please call a hold and move the fight to the other side.

  • Fires always need to be attended. If a fight breaks out someone still needs to watch it, they will not be attacked.

  • Hydrate!

Monster camp quiet hours 2 am to 8 am to give our hardworking plot and NPCs a much needed break.

Mid-day Crafting

The mid-day crafting station will be located in the back room of the Tavern. If you find yourself needing to use the crafting station, please fill out the mid-day crafting log and have your coin ready before contacting a crafting marshal.


Smoking and vaping are only allowed in the covered pavilion next to the parking lot behind the tavern. If you see cigarette butts on the ground, please pick them up.

Meal Plan

At every meal as you go through the line your name will be checked off the list, this is to ensure that everyone has been fed before any seconds are served. There are 160 people who need to be fed, so please be patient with our volunteer kitchen staff.

Breakfast: 7am-9am

Lunch: 12pm-2pm

Dinner: 7pm-9pm

Dishes need to be scraped before being taken to the kitchen. Volunteers will be needed for dishes, the head chef will be giving IG compensation for those that volunteer.