Big West 2019 FAQ


Greetings Adventures!

Please find below the 2019 Big West Event FAQ. There is a ton of information being posted on the forums so please check there first for any updated information that isn't on the FAQ. If you have additional questions, please post them here if there isn't already a place to post them on the forums and we will work to answer them as soon as I can.

We are really excited to host this event again. Everyone from out of town - please don't hesitate to reach out here on boards under the heading Big West 2019 - Visitor Assistance Program or via email at to let us know how we can make your stay more comfortable and exciting!

Luke Doyle and Big West Staff

1. What is the 2019 Big West Event?

The Big West event is a collaboration between members of the Seattle, Oregon, Utah, San Francisco, and Denver plot teams. The plot for the 2019 Big West event will be standalone, and we anticipate a large PC presence from each chapter! This is a fun way for all 5 chapters to get together and meet/see friends from afar, and play in a unique game.

The event will be hosted by Alliance Seattle, and the event management and logistics will be handled by Seattle's staff.

If you have any general questions, please feel free to reach out at

2. Where is the 2019 Big West Event?

It will be hosted by the Alliance Seattle chapter, and the site is Millersylvania ELC, near Olympia, WA.

Camp Millersylvania ELC
12245 Tilley Rd S
Olympia, Washington 98512

3. When is Big West?

June Long Weekend Event
Thursday, June 27th - Sunday, June 30th, 2019

Thursday: Site will open around 2pm. Game-on will be a hard lay-on at 9pm. If you know you will be arriving late, please let logistics know.

Sunday: Game off at 12p with an expected site departure time of 3p

4. What is the best airport to fly in/out of?

Seattle-Tacoma International Airport.

5. How much will the event cost?

All prices below include food. Dietary restrictions should be noted on the pre-registration form.

$120 - PC Pre-Registered prior to deadline
$140 - PC Pre-Registered after deadline
$80 - PC Page Pre-Registered prior to deadline
$100 - PC Page Pre-Registered after deadline
$30 - NPC Pre-Registered prior to deadline
$40 - NPC Pre-Registered after deadline

**Please Note that we came very close to Site Capacity at the 2017 Big West event held at this site. It is very important that you pre-register in order to ensure a space for yourself.**

6. How do I pre-register and/or pre-pay?

See the pre-registration post on the forums:

7. What does the Food Situation look like?

All event pricing includes the meal plan. Dietary restrictions should be noted on the pre-registration form once released. The full kitchen (oven, counter space) will not be open for general use to avoid issues with space for the meal plan to cook. If you have a concern with this, please email and we will work to accommodate your needs.

8. How can I donate to the Big West Event?

Please send your donations to and see the post on the forums.

9. How can I blanket the Big West Event?

You may blanket the Big West event with goblin stamps from any chapter or with Dragon Stamps at the normal rate. It is 90 goblin stamps to blanket Big West.

10. What is the site, Millersylvania ELC, like?

It's cushy. All of the cabins have been remodeled (completion date April 2016) and have heat, 4 bunk beds each (they sleep 8 people), and electricity. There are heated showers, large fields, and a big main hall that seats over 100 people. This main hall tends to be a place that people congregate between modules and spending time in their cabins.

11. How can I inform staff for the event of a Medical Issue or a need for Accommodations?

Please shoot an email to and we will ensure the information is forwarded to the appropriate parties.

12. What is the plot for Big West?

See the teasers posted on the forums:

13. Who is the Big West Staff?

General Manager - Luke Doyle (Seattle General Manager)
Assistant General Manager - Paul Trujillo (Seattle AGM)
Head of Plot - Nick Bond (Seattle Head of Plot)
Plot - Benjamin Thayer (Oregon Head of Plot)
Plot - Paul Iverson (Utah Head of Plot)
Plot - Amber Bond (Seattle Plot)
Plot - Jason Scott Thomas (Seattle)
Logistics - Kristin and Brent Woodward (Seattle Logistics)
Visitor Assistance Coordinator: Evan Rawson
Head Chef: Tyler Pick
Kitchen Staff:
Barb Martin
Jessica White
Chris Duble
Jason Syring
Ben DeBruhl

14. Anything special I should bring?

A lot of socks. It rains a lot in the Pacific NW, though hopefully we’ll be missing most of due to the late June date. If it rains, you will want to be able to change your socks.

15. Is the meal plan required?


16. What are the Meal Plan Details?

The meal plan includes Thursday Dinner, Friday Breakfast/Lunch/Dinner, Saturday Breakfast/Lunch/Dinner, and Sunday Breakfast. A menu will be released 2-4 weeks prior to the event.

17. What are the rules regarding Workshops for this event?

We will allow workshops from any chapter to be used at check in for this event after that, unless you have a Workplace of Convenience, you will need to purchase a workshop.

18. Who will the Rules Marshals be for the event?

We will select specific marshals out of the pool of Seattle, Oregon, Utah, San Francisco, and Denver marshals. If you are interested, please reach out to me at:

19. What will the IG Location be?

Find out in game. :)

20. What are the NPC Perks?

NPC Rewards:
25 Dragon Stamps
360 GS from Seattle
360 GS from Oregon
360 GS from Utah

21. What is the policy on Magic Items for this event?

All Items must be converted to 2.0 prior to event. Any item that is still 1.3 will not be accepted.

Players may bring any combination of LCO items with up to 20 ritual effects.

EDIT: The following rituals do not count against this limit:
Spirit Link, Spirit Lock, Item Recall, Preserve Duration, Permanent Duration, Boost Duration, Extend Battle Magic Duration, Resist Destroy Magic, Investiture, Render Indestructible Improved, Any ritual which is immobile once cast (Limited Circle of Power, Warder Glyph, Circle Lock, Stable Foundation, Proscribe, etc.), Any ritual marked as "Role Play Only" (RPO), Any ritual which lasts less than 5 days from the time of casting (Ritual of Woe, Whispering Wind, etc.)

A player may bring unlimited Restricted Magic Items.

22. How can I use Goblin Stamps for the 150 Production Points that can be spent at an event?

You may use GS from any chapter. You will need to email that chapter and copy Seattle Logistics on the email requesting to use the Goblin Stamps and what you will be using them for. The chapter you are spending the GS from will need to then confirm that you have them and that they have been spent, then the items will be placed in your check in folder. NOTE: Deadline for this kind of purchase is the same as the pre-registration deadline, no exceptions!

23. What ritual scrolls will be usable at the event?

Restricted Ritual Scrolls may be used from any participating chapter (Seattle, Oregon, Utah, San Francisco, and Denver). You may use Restricted Scrolls (and Mist Touched) from multiple different chapters to create a single item.

LCO scrolls from any chapter may be used at Big West. If an LCO ritual is cast to create an item, the entire item will become LCO to the chapter of the LCO scroll's origin. An Item may not be created using LCO scrolls from more than 1 chapter.

For catalyst-required casting, the correct catalyst must accompany the scroll (Both scroll and catalyst must come from a single chapter).

Boost Duration cannot be cast at a Regional Event.

All ritual scrolls issued at the Big West event will be Mist Touched.
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Only Ritual scrolls from those 5 chapters can be used? Just double checking for traveling folks from MN if SoMN scrolls can also be used, or if only participating chapters as mentioned.
Only Ritual scrolls from those 5 chapters can be used? Just double checking for traveling folks from MN if SoMN scrolls can also be used, or if only participating chapters as mentioned.

I'm also curious about this. As I know a bunch of Calgary people are looking at making the trek down.
LCO scrolls from any chapter may be used but only participating chapters will be able to use restricted scrolls. Participating chapters are those that are contributing to plot, granting NPC rewards, providing marshals, kitchen staff, or NPCs for the event. If your chapter has not been listed, then none of the criteria for participation has been met. That being said, it is still early and chapters will be added to that list as they join us in our efforts to make our second regional event a huge success.
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Sent from my SM-G950U using Tapatalk
If we reach overnight capacity, there will be reduced event fees for those willing and able to stay off site.
If an empowerment were to be cast at a National/Regional game, would the host chapter become the chapter of origin, or would the ritual target owner's home chapter become the chapter of origin for the empowerment?

Unless otherwise specified, the National Chapter would become the chapter of origin. This limits how useful True Empowerment might be on multi-chapter created items.

This is from the announcement from Bryan.

My question: Bryan said, "Unless otherwise specified, the National Chapter would become the chapter of origin." I am asking for it to be specified. For True Empowerments cast at Big West, what will be the "chapter of origin"?
The National Chapter will be the chapter of origin for any Restricted item created at a Regional or National event.
Just getting confirmation if I bring say 4 MN item creation LCO scrolls I can cast them at region, just not restricted LCO scrolls?
EDITED LCO policy:
The following rituals do not count against this limit:
Spirit Link
Spirit Lock
Item Recall
Preserve Duration
Permanent Duration
Boost Duration
Extend Battle Magic Duration
Resist Destroy Magic
Render Indestructible Improved
Any ritual which is immobile once cast (Limited Circle of Power, Warder Glyph, Circle Lock, Stable Foundation, Proscribe, etc.)
Any ritual marked as "Role Play Only" (RPO) Any ritual which lasts less than 5 days from the time of casting (Ritual of Woe, Whispering Wind, etc.)