Birthday Invitation


Chicago Staff
[The echoes of this dreaming vanish into the Dreamscape]
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Did you ever get the wine? Because I'll bring a bottle if you need it. You sound like you need a drink anyway.

-Sam Gemclipper
[The echoes of this dreaming vanish into the Dreamscape]
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I had not heard of that tale! How fantastic! Have I ever told you the tale when I met up with a rat-kin named Sliver (in Trillian, if I recall correct. Funny, I'm usually a stickler for getting places right) and convinced him that he should train his four adopted turtle-kin sons that he found thrown away (Don't ask, I certainly didn't) to become great warriors of the land? Each mastering a different unique weapon style? I couldn't repeat their names if I was tortured, because they were so odd. Their vernacular was also strange and fascinating to hear. They would celebrate their victories by praising the name Cow Abunga. Which I can only assume is some local pasture deity or something of the sort. And their food choices, THEIR FOOD choices, were delicious. These turtles would consume pan after pan of these cheese/meat pies that were bodacious in nature! Oh dear, I apologies, I'm talking like them again. It's infectious, like what you get after visiting Cindy the tavern girl after a particularly vicious night of poor choices (I'm sure you know the feeling Artea).

Look at me. Ranting and raving like a lizardman without a home, I apologies again: My name is Sam Gemclipper. Bard is my trade.
Hello Artea!

It is quite good to hear from you through these dreamings. It has been a few months have since I have seen you last! As a matter of fact, I think that the last time I saw you was also the first time I met you! I went with you to a vault of yours... The Vault of Secrets and Lies, I do believe. We went there to obtain a chalice that would help kill the hags. They were quite the eyesore, Artea... Let me tell you that. I have seen goblins more attractive than them! Anyway, I unfortunately will not be able to travel through the mists to celebrate your 1027th birthday, even though I quite love a good party. You know what? How about this... The next time I am in your lands, we should celebrate. I will bring along a few intoxicants, an apple or two for Bobo, and you and I can share some stories. You probably have many more stories than I do, seeing as how you are roughly 50 times older than my brother and I, but that is quite alright by me. I would not be a proper Romani if I didn't love listening to a good story!

Safe Travels,
[The echoes of this dreaming vanish into the Dreamscape]
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By the power of the Orb of Breakfast guarded by a strange and feathered beast, may ve all lead zo rich and vull lives az vou.

I may not ve around vor the cake vut look forward to celebrating life vith vou another day.

[The echoes of this dreaming vanish into the Dreamscape]
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[The echoes of this dreaming vanish into the Dreamscape]
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