Blanketing Nationals


Just a friendly reminder for those who don't frequent the national forums:

If you wish to, you can blanket the national event this weekend with gobbies from any chapter (including this one)! If you are interested, follow the instructions below, or see this post on the national forums for more information.

To blanket the national event:
You must email National Logistics ( in order to get credit for the event. Include the following info:

1. Your full name
2. The character you want to blanket
3. The chapter in which you will be spending the goblin stamps to blanket National
4. The chapter in which the character is homed logistically (if it is not the same as the chapter with the gobbies).

Please note that each player can only blanket one character. Once National Logistics gets your request they will send it on to the chapter you indicated in your email.

These will not be taken care of until after this weekend, understandably.

Enjoy your labor day!

Seattle Logistics