

What is our chapter's policy on monthly blankets? Do we have to request them every month (must it be before the month, during the month, or after the month?), or can we just say "keep blanketing monthly until I tell you otherwise"?

Also, what is our policy on even blankets? Are we allowed to request them before the event? Afterward?

I've heard various things at events and at other chapters which make me very confused about the blanketing process, and I cannot find anything in the ARB or in our chapter's policies. Feel free to point me to one if I'm wrong!


Touch base with Josh (Logistics) on this, but it should be as easy as requesting to be put on our "Auto Blanket" list, which basically means that if you've got the gobbies, they will get automatically deducted to blanket you for the months and events during which you are on the list. Josh, please correct me if I have any of this information wrong. Thanks!
They will respond as soon as time allows I'm sure. As far as the August blanket you are requesting that will not be allowed. Alliance policy only allows you to blanket current month and 3 back being February you can blanket this month and November, December, January. If you have any questions on alliance logistics policies feel free to contact me at
Robb Graves said:
:/ Matt, if he has e-mail proof that he sent a message to HQ Logistics asking to be added to auto blanket list for the chapter in August... are you saying that because Logistics failed to respond to his request he would not be allowed to back blanket?

Nope, misunderstood it. If request had been sent and can be provided it will be taken care of.

Please contact me via email and we will work with HQ logistics to make sure this is properly taken care of.

Alliance Logistics
Sorry about that man. Seems like the emails have slipped past me. I'll look over the emails and straighten this all out tomorrow. You will be retroactively blanketed from the date of the first email request.
Thanks everyone.

But one more question: where can I find the policy on monthly blankets? ARB only talks about event credit, from what I can tell. (Maybe my questions are still better suited for the new player questions forum...)
Hope this helps a little, if you have a specific question please ask!

Edit: This post also contains some information that may help viewtopic.php?f=212&t=13269 There are a few posts similar to this in the new player section.

Alliance Policies on Blanketing a Character
Alliance rules state that you may blanket a character three months prior to the present date and one month current. For example, if a player wishes to monthly blanket on April 15 he/she may blanket a character for the months of Jan, Feb and March and the present month of April. This rule also applies to a player blanketing an event. If an event occurred on Jan 3, the player would not be able to blanket that event since it is farther than 3 months from the present date. Special dispensations may be granted on a case-by-case basis by the Alliance Rules Committee, and approved by the Ownership of the Alliance LARP.

If a player is blanketing an event that took place in your campaign deduct the proper amount of goblin stamps from the player and insert the event they are blanketing into the note section of the XP tracking and Goblin stamp tracking section of the database.

If a player is blanketing an event in a different campaign you must contact the Head of Logistics for that campaign and verify if they player has the proper amount of goblin stamps to do so and request that they deduct the goblin stamps.
NOTE: A player may not blanket an event that coincided with another event. It is the responsibility of logistics to verify that the player did not blanket any other character for an event that took place on the same date.

A player may monthly blanket multiple characters each month as long as each character resides in a different home campaign. Be sure to explain to your players that their home campaign is purely an OOG reference. A player may have their secondary etc home campaign be different than where their character’s history is submitted.

Monthly blanket rules can vary between campaigns. Check with your owner if there are stipulations to players monthly blanketing. For example, having an active membership.

If an event ends on the last of the month or begins on the first of the month, you can allow for a three-day grace period of applying a monthly blanket. Do not forget to note which month you are blanketing.

Alliance Player serving in the Military: Alliance customers that are deployed as a result of military, National Guard, or reserve responsibilities will be exempted from the three month from current date rule, and may purchase blankets for any events they missed up to 18 months while in service to our country and obtain goblin blankets normally upon their return to the United States

Event Type	 Cost in Goblin Stamps	 Blankets
Module	 15	 .5
Monthly Goblin Blanket	 30	 1
Faire Day	 30	 1
Standard Event	 60	 2
Long Event	 90	 3