Bliss: Final Week

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Chicago Staff
[Silence in the East.
Silence in the West.
Silence in the South.
Silence in the North.

There are no sounds of merchants doing business in the markets of Westhaven. The busy training of the Guardians of Light in Holt do not make a sound, for all are motionless, swords in mid swing, and happiness on their faces.

Across the Duchy of Eastwood, the typical sound of trees falling by hatchet is absent; now, only the occasional animal noise is heard.

Arbor, for the first time is quiet. Ships sway at the port against thrashing waves. People fill the streets, watching as one by one they go motionless, and experience a true calming. Only those with strong wills and spirits remain to see the final days of Bliss. Those who come through the mist see nothing but motionless people all around, in homes, in fields, on roads and in taverns. Even The Flaming Skull, and it's buzzing patrons are still, except for a single waitress, and it's owner.

Yet, there one ordinary Mystic Wood Elf, clad in a purple shirt, and a silver vest, sitting across a extraordinary green gate in Westhaven's town center. He waits with eyes open, watching.]
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