Bliss: Week One

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Chicago Staff
[Anyone visiting Crescent Isle, Ca La Dorn, or the Isle of Azure Mist will notice everyone in a state of Bliss. On the outside, they appear to be motionless, eyes wide up, with the facial expression of absolute happiness. None are responsive.

Su L'air: Boats sailed from the East marking the banner of Edgar Saban are docked around the cove's entrance.

Isle of Bones: Ships carrying the flag of The Ternian Empire have docked around it's coast as well.

The Sisters: Few ships carrying the sigil of King Seamus O'Del are present, but a large number of docked ships around The Sisters appear to carry the 3 Tower flag of The Nine.

Adventurers that travel to the areas afflicted with Bliss are unaffected. Yet can hear a dozen voices in unison within their mind saying, "They are at peace finally, because of you".

Far to the East, in a land walled up from the outside world, a single fisherman and his family at the north western most tip begin to stare in awe, as their greatest hopes and dreams begin to come true......]
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