Bloodmoon Traders Emporium

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To All My Fellow Adventurers,

The Bloodmoon Traders Emporium will once again be open during the next gather. If there is something you are lacking be it sword, armor, or a moral compass, then come see us so we may find you want you need.

Also, during this time of uncertainty, protection is a must have. So, I, The Dragomiri, have found it in my heart to offer my casting services at a discounted rate. I will be providing Wizard Locks for the price of 8s per cabin. If you provide the Wizard Lock scroll, then I'll cast it for you for the small sum of 3s. You say that you can not afford to pay such a little amount, but want to be protected, then contact me so we may strike a deal to trade for goods or services. Also to show that there are no hard feelings between myself & the good knight, I will offer to protect him with a Wizard Lock on his residence for free*.

Please contact me here for anything that you are looking for, or you may seek me out at Gypsy Row.

May you be blessed to never behold the horrible beauty of The Wilds.


*proof of residence must be provided by said good knight at time of service.
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