blunt weapon construction

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New Hampshire Staff
Crossroads Staff
In a recent thread here ( discussing weapon construction there has been confusion on if a blunt weapon can be built as in the diagram below.


is this legit or does it violate the rules pertaining to blunt striking surfaces? If it does violate the rule what would be the most acceptable way to achieve something similar to this?
also if this design is a problem due to striking surface rules can you simply mark the area at the head that would be the valid striking surface with different colored tape, so that the striking area was clearly defined?
So long as the volume, grip, shaft, and blade lengths are all adhered to (which
they are not in the example image; specifically there is no "shaft" as
required), the weapon can be considered as a blunt weapon. As always, a local
chapter has final authority on allowing or disallowing weapons.

-Bryan Gregory
ARC Member
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