Boffing on Alki


Ok, so I showed up to the gameday today, only to find out that not enough people showed up to hold a game. I was a little disappointed, and the next one isn't for a month, if I can even show up to that one. Honestly, it's been some time, and I was really looking forward to getting back into the whole boffing thing. -sniff-

I would be willing to host a sparring session if anyone wants to get some practice. My idea was for a gathering of people, however many we can get, and beating eachother with boffer swords. My set certainly hasn't been used in long enough. No game going on, no roleplaying. Just some friendly sportsmanship.

I would suggest the Alki area. It's a very beautiful stretch of beach in West Seattle. I was jogging there earlier, and I think it would be ideal. Plus, doing this in such a visible area might gain us a few initiates. It could be a promotional event as well.

What think you guys? Would anyone want to show up to this if I hosted it?
There's always Westcrest Park that could be used to get some sparring in.