Bookworm Labs


Good evening everyone. This is Professor Bookworm, notifying you that I will be at the next market day selling my goods again.

For sale:
Potions and alchemy of all types.
All prices based on recommended 2 silver x spell level from merchant's row.
Superior equipment costs 15 silver plus component costs, and can either be bought from stock or ordered specifically.
A small selection of drinks will be available.

In Stock:
1 x Cure 5 Panacea (70 silver), 1 x Cure Disease Panacea (270 silver), 7 x Eat Me Nots (25 silver each), 2 x Quill of Alternate Reagent (50 silver), 4 x Sigil of Majesty (35 silver each)
10 x purifies, 3 x elemental shields, 8 x enslavement antidotes, 10 x armor patch 10s

Looking to purchase: (Prices are negotiable for special or bulk purchases)
Crafting materials - herbs, leather or vellum (1 silver each, trade for goods negotiable)

I will purchase any alchemy, brewing, or smithing items (within reason) for 1 silver per crafting level of the item.
Or I could recycle any of these same categories of items for you at a cost of 5% of the materials recovered.
I am looking to purchase limited amounts of tinkering equipment, budget providing.

-Professor Benjamin Bookworm