Bountiful Harvest Catalyst


Public Relations Committee
Hello All,

I still feel much guilt in the construction of the Spirit Trap in the Iron Hills. Never before in casting has the magic changed so much on implementation. I my past discussions with Viceroy Fortinbras I had offered my ritual casting services to cast a Bountiful Harvest upon that region of the Iron Hills. Do to the time that the whole area was a under an effect similar to a Domain of the Defilied no planting or harvest could happen.

In our last discussion during the wedding I mentioned the casting to Viceroy Fortinbras. In these months he was able to get a lead on the catalyst. We spoke briefly and he mentioned there are legends of a plant called a Malodiose. But, an urgent issue arose and we were not able to continue. He will be providing me more information on the plant this coming market. And I will need help to retrieve it to try to make things right.

Thank you
Baroness FallingStar

Though I think your guilt is misaligned with your culpability in this matter, you, of course, will have my assistance in tracking and harvesting this herb. Is it simply the Catalyst for the dragonscript or does it have specific properties for this purpose?

Dramthin Hartsboon
Lost One of Five Bridges
Keeper of the Tainted Grove
Dramthin and others,

I do not have the scroll of needed reagents. These will be provided to me. I also, have received this missive:


From my research The Malodiose is a plant with some unique factors, it seems to be impervious to magic and steel a like but from the research you would need to cast the ritual at the location of its growth. Then this current portion will shrivel up and possibly reappear again at some other unknown time and location. I can fill you in on my theories when we meet as to why this happens. But is know it has some mind effecting abilities or at least from my research.

This maybe from a siren song or some more physical source. But it will like have some creatures under its sway that you will need to dispose of to reach the Malodiose and then, then you’ll have to figure out how to disable it long enough for you to do the casting.

When you’re ready, please come seek me out with your group of defenders and I will bring you to the location of the Malodiose. The Vicroy has giving me the ritual scroll and reagents.

Horticulturalist of House Fortenbras

I will go on faith that there won't be any unforseen side effects. I would like to take care of this mid morning with as many people as possible. I will probably need someone in the circle with me to intercept and Cloak the mind effects.

Thank you,
Baroness FallingStar