Bounty for Boggle teeth



Me be tasked with gather as many Boggle teeth as possible before big feast of this year in couple months. For help me in this, me pay ONE SILVER for each Boggle tooth. Me say again for those who no understand how easy this be for quick coin: If you bring me ten Boggle teeth, me give you ONE GOLD. Me need as many Boggle teeth as possible. Think hundreds.

How you know what is Boggle? Boggles be all blue, like steal things, and use natural sky magic, sometimes powerful. Teeth be shiny and look like small gems or jewels.

For top three that sell me most teeth, me have special extra reward for you three.

Happy hunting!

-Cho Ko Nu
Rank of Cho Ko Nu in Brokers Guild of Gaden

Me still need more. If you no sell them and holding on for higher price, me tell you open market price in past be only two or five copper each. Me already double this in original offer for hope you give/sell them faster. It be motivate through coin, but no mistake me generous offer for chance for greed. If you want that, play me Games of Chance instead.

-Cho Ko Nu

They be used in creation of things, but exact properties me no know. There be a trading group that me meet during very first time me ever became adventurer that use them in creation of things, but other recipes be out there. Me gathering now for use during great feast later this year for very important purpose that if you need know, you already know. Me want give time for those who already have them find old ones or if no have them hunt for new ones. Me still need more!

-Cho Ko Nu
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And because someone ask, you no need kill Boggle for get teeth.

...But it make it a lot easier.

-Cho Ko Nu

Bounty be paid on first night of upcoming feast. No more bounty on boggle teeth after that. If you no be named Roff, he be only one so far who contact me, and plan turn in teeth bounty, contact me and tell me about how many teeth you have so me can make sure collect from you on first night and me have coin ready for pay you bounty of one silver for each tooth.

Thank you,

-Cho Ko Nu
Rank of Cho Ko Nu in Brokers Guild of Gaden