Bow "strap"

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In the rulebook it states that no bow should have a "string". Ostensibly this is to prevent weapon trapping and entangling. Basically I would like to ask if this is a prohibition from a bow having any sort of strand type of attachment. The question is, would the spirit of the rule want to prohibit some sort of strap (in addition to "strings"), which is both wide and lose and not attached to the very ends of the bow, from being placed on especially a max length longbow to strap it over ones back.

I have posted an example picture of what I am wondering if the arc would encourage chapters to allow or disallow. Obviously the final call is always up to any chapter to allow a specific weapon, but I am just asking if the arc would possibly clarify or encourage one way or the other on this issue.

Q. In the rulebook it states that no bow should have a "string". Ostensibly this
is to prevent weapon trapping and entangling. Basically I would like to ask if
this is a prohibition from a bow having any sort of strand type of attachment.
The question is, would the spirit of the rule want to prohibit some sort of
strap (in addition to "strings"), which is both wide and lose and not attached
to the very ends of the bow, from being placed on especially a max length
longbow to strap it over ones back.

I have posted an example picture of what I am wondering if the arc would
encourage chapters to allow or disallow. Obviously the final call is always up
to any chapter to allow a specific weapon, but I am just asking if the arc would
possibly clarify or encourage one way or the other on this issue.

A. Weapon construction guidelines are on a chapter by chapter basis. There is no
specific intent to disallow - *or allow* - a weapon strap as described.

-Bryan Gregory
ARC Member
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