Break Command 'touch' clarification

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Alliance Logistics
Alliance Owner
Dave said:
Regarding Break Command: Is the intention of "you must be able to touch the victim" an IG touch, or an OOG touch? Is 'must be able' supposed to be 'close enough to touch'?

Example 1) Mr Fighter gets berserked and I prison him so he stops killing his team. If I only need to OOG touch him, then I can break the command then drop the prison. If I need to 'be able' to touch him IG, I can't, and thus can't break the command.
Polare said:
In your examples, 1 and 2 are legal cases to use Break Command, but

Just for clarification are you saying that Break Command goes through prison?
Yes. You must be close enough to (OOG) touch your target, but for safety purposes you do not need to actually reach out and make physical contact. This was one of the explicit examples given in the question as asked originally.

-Bryan Gregory
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