Broken Shards Game 1 - Favorite Moments


  • Selling jewellery to people and bird creatures (before a certain catastrophe rapidly reduced demand....)
  • Mutual angsting with a couple others about whether family members who weren't in Wagonslist might be alive or dead
  • Weakness-ing Rick's big scary construct down to swinging 0 normal on Saturday night
  • All the special effects and new masks from monster camp/plot. It really helped set the theme.
  • All that fantastic garb, makeup, and personalities on all the new player characters
  • Hastily scribbling a note a few minutes before the portal battle for Shreeve to take to Nyss's favorite mother back in Ak'hut
  • Edit: How could I forget Gavin as the most obnoxious kobold captive EVER??? ;)
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  • "Klunk kill!"
  • All of the kobold RP. Especially with @MaxIrons going off on us before the Saturday night fight.
  • The worst lollipop in the world.
  • Sword drop shenanigans.
  • The mood in monster camp was never down, everyone was tired but pumped. I am astounded by our NPC crew.
  • Late night plot discussions.
  • Food fight!
  • Casting the ritual at the end game fight. I am still a little hoarse from that yelling I did.
  • The entire Friday night fight with the fire elementals. I learned a lot but I still believe that it went off very well, considering.
  • Everyone's garb was absolutely fantastic. I was in awe at opening ceremonies looking at how well every single PC there was dressed. Blew me away.
  • Oh and this.
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First off, thank you, Plot! This was a fun game to be NPC for! Thank you PC's, your costuming and your props (even the blasted shields!) were on point, and y'all looked beautiful while killing me repeatedly!
My favorite moments:
*The look on Shane and Nick's faces when they went up against the lightning frogs, and watched them hawking lightning loogies at each other before going after the PC's
*Fighting with those as the kobolds construct! While the masks looked cool as hell, I couldn't see anything. Thank you, players who gave me the time to adjust the thing!
*Watching The battle lines that formed against us was really cool! I ended up multiple tines squaring up against Cassi and Rudy, and a few others.
*Turns out fighting the bull kin when you have his hammer is a bad idea. Just an FYI.
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  • Apology Lollipop
  • Every decision Bast and Maren made together was the best decision
  • Fenthick teaching Bast how to decipher the letter that Bast found using stamps
  • Trying to keep Fenthick alive during battles
  • Traveling the town perimeter with the orcs and Tisa. The only time that Bast was the oldest person in the area and actually felt qualified to lead.
  • Basically telling the Magistrate he didn't know what he was talking about in front of the everyone in the tavern
  • Merchant life!
  • "You are very beepy." *Klunk proceeds to beep faster*
  • "You are very beepy." *Klunk proceeds to beep faster*
Hahaha, I forgot about that. Luke Doyle made that mask, and it kicks ***.
Oh man. So much.
- Finding Tisa apparently has a twin
- Tusker friends best friends
- "Did you at least get Tisa honey!?"
- Awesome rp with narissa and nissian about passion versus patience.
- Fighting sword and board for the first time.
- Getting charmed by Hugo. "Tisa friends very important!"
- Getting revenge on Hugo.
- The bag of wonder.
- So much more I can't even think of right now.
- Playing a very rash and shaken Jothi after a battle rez
- Tax evasion
- Mary's reaction to being made acting Reeve
- Friday night scaring the crap out of people as a Magic Eater
- Fenthrick running into a burning building to save schoolchildren and making it out with everyone seconds before the building collapsed
- The willingness of PCs to actually talk with Kust Gearpatch, even after the Saturday night fight
- Watching the town form itself into a haphazard, yet functional, group
- Coming in Saturday late night and finding that people were actually considering teaming up with Gearpatch.
- Suddenly being the Reeve/Magistrate-ish
- Tax collection problem overlapping bandits brought to me
- Interacting with more players I don't have overlap with when I'm Oona! (Willow, Librarian, Aster, Tavern Keeper, Or'zuk and soo many others!)
- Kobolds "pinned"
- Being a terrible battle field commander (Happy to see which people might lead the charge next game)
- "Wait Or'Zuk and I can't both be Reeve's Asst? Next time he could be Reeve and I'll assist him!"
- Seriously considering the "Tinkerer" aka Gearpatch Sat night
- Shield maiden accidental formations. I'm looking at you three: Lark, Boe and Tisa!
- Getting happily drunk at being the Reeve's Asst. again
- Trying to die to the death (doom?) elemental to not start another gang war
- Respites with Tuli and Nissian
- "Glad to not be Reeve anymore." "Oh then I suppose that's my fault" "What?!"
- Facing off with Brian Hudson and that long axe
- Listening to everyones concerns Sat night after the fight and Mary saying sorry for her decisions
- Chiding Jothi about not letting her know til Sun that he is on his last life!
- My character trying to ask everyones opinion and inevitably failing soo hard!
  • The worst lollipop in the world
  • Goldfarb, honorary Jewish Biata
  • Maren and Bast - accidental political operatives
  • Dancing around the Earth circle, getting chased by a fire elemental for that one
  • Hugo's "motivational" speech to his crew
  • Fenthick and the traveling pants
  • Every single High Orc in this game
- That paste of stickiness!
- "My name is Trent. My brother is Primus, my sisters are Secunda and Quatra."
- "Reeve. After this I will submit myself to your custody. I may have to use unsavory magics."
- Lord Humongus to Hugo the mob boss to dead in one event. SO GOOD.
- I evidently have an addiction to death being non-verbal.
- Killing blow 2, Killing Bl... *Sword inserted to interrupt here*
- Alan/Trade... here players, have a traumatized feral puppy.
- Amit Jain coming in to console the only other Sela around. (Watch this space for a map of the area soon)
- Forces of Nature being super chill with Wagonlist... right up until we find out one of us got ganked.
- FAKE MAP omg that was baller.
- Looking into the cabin Fri night and freaking out players, giving them a sniff, then just... leaving.
- Holding traded shineys in my "beak".
- "That crystal is super shiny! Let's go try and trade for it!"
- The overwhelming relief that I wasn't going to be strung up for breaking Wagonlist on game 1.
- The players, both PC and NPC... too many moments to go into, but you were all, every one, amazing.