Broken Shards game 2 Announcement


Hello everyone, with the move to 2.0 there are a few things we would like to clear up. With the conversion we are raising the XP cap to 42. This was calculated as a 1.3 weekend event (the first game) and two 2.0 blankets (as we're taking the higher of 1.3 vs. 2.0 blankets). Going forward one event and two blankets against the XP cap is how we will advance the cap slowly, while not putting anyone too far behind. Once we hit double digits with this slow progression, we'll look at it again, but for right now that's the plan. In addition, you may have noticed that starting characters are now allowed a certain level of production points when they create a character at higher than 25 XP to better represent starting gear. This is great! However, as a low magic item campaign, any restricted items created in this manner will be treated as created/cast outside of the campaign. This is to preserve the low magic item feel of the campaign that we are going for. If/when PC formalists become viable we will revisit this restriction. In addition, if you're cutting down an existing character to participate in a Broken Shards game, this starting production point value gives a good guideline as to what is "reasonable" to bring into the campaign so as not to destabilize the local economy. We can not, of course, stop you from bringing a huge sack of coin, but it really would hurt the ideals of the game we're building together. The upside is that there is now a pretty decent indicator of what kind of limits we're hoping players will work with, while still allowing easier questions on outside loot. For this first game, that means a good guideline for the next game is 42 XP * level 4 + 100 = 268 copper worth of production items, give or take a 5 cure wounds potion.