Brotherhood of the Light Recruiting

Fellow Adventurers,

When my first dreams took me to the Sheltered Lands, a number of adventurers said they were interested in learning more about the tenents of the Brotherhood of the Light, of which I am one of the, if not the, last surviving member, after the Great Undead War of Wayside. After hearing my fellow adventurers show such interest, I realized that perhaps its time the Brotherhood took its message beyond just Wayside, but to Fortannis as a whole, starting in Gaden.

The Brotherhood believes in four core tenets:

  • To eliminate the threats of chaos and necromancy throughout Fortannis.

    To foster positive values and teachings opposing these.

    To stand guard against creatures which destroy these values and sow these threats.

    To bring Light to all eyes and safeguard minds from perversion of these ideals.

It's that simple. Membership in this new Brotherhood is not an exclusive thing. If you fly under the banner of Forest's Edge, or Harbors Far, that is fine. I wish to gather those that wish to dedicate themselves to service, to perfecting the art of tracking and destroying the undead scourge that blights our lands. I can give my knowledge, my spirit, and I can loan colors to those that are interested in the Brotherhood.

If you are interested in learning more, please contact me here, or privately - whichever you are comfortable with.

May the Light guide you on your paths to greatness,

Brother Eric Marsters
Brotherhood of the Light
I'd certainly be interested in learning more, sir. One more thing to talk with you about come market day.
Jonathan Darin
There was indeed a war, and a great battle in which many members of the Brotherhood were lost. The battle in question was such a travesty because it was a death trap designed by the corrupt leadership of The Brotherhood of the Light itself. They sent to hopeless battle nearly all their number, including forcefully conscripted members of the earth guild and townsfolk, while arranging safety for their more loyal and zealotous members. In league with the vampire they claimed to fight, The Brotherhood of the Light trapped and killed their own men reducing dissention amongst their ranks and drastically reducing the defenses against the vampire’s suddenly bolstered undead forces. Brother Eric did escape death that day, thousands did not. A great many were permanently lost, but I resurrected hundreds of those poor soldiers who had been betrayed by their own guild, as did Kovu and Hengin among others. Eric is not the only surviving member, but the guild is broken. Most of the brotherhood members who did survive the massacre have taken off the sullied red & white. The Brotherhood of the Light is disbanded, destroyed by its own zealotry, power and corruption.

The four core tenets seem harmless on the surface, but as their founder, Joseph Michael Cole, discovered they can be found to harbor evil and oppression. His guild, formed to fight undead, chaos and necromancy, lost its way and became instead an instrument of undeath.

I do regard Cole as a hero, but not for his life or his guild – for his death. In the early months of the war, he and his small escort faced their own end holding ground against a horde of undead. They defended a caravan of refugees long enough for reinforcements to arrive and mount a rescue. They fell in that battle, every last one of them. Without their stalwart sacrifice more than 200 innocent refugees would have been slaughtered. I believe that Cole himself knew his death that day would be final, but he faced it with true bravery. He urged us to hurry back with the reinforcements, to save the people. He said that he was not a good man but that he hoped his actions there might help redeem his guild. He knew, even then, how far his guild had fallen. The guild that survived Founder Cole was not really his anymore. Let The Brotherhood of the Light die with him, with some semblance of honor.