Building for the Future


As many of you know, I arrived in Wayside a little more than a year ago, at the time I arrive I was fresh out of my training as a licensed barrister and sometimes healer. Since my arrival I have participated in things I never dreamed I would have and through the valiant actions of many of populace saw the end to the Vampire's War, an experience that has taught me much, although I have no desire to see such times again I fear they may come again some day. Through all this Wayside has become more than a place to earn a living, it has become my home.

To that end I have begun construction of a series of cabins and living structures on my new plot of land on the northern slopes of the southern mountain regions. To this end I am looking for two things. First I am hiring laborers to help begin the digging to create the foundation for a structure that will last the test of future dangers. I am looking for many to help with the digging, moving and foundation work, as well as a smaller number to help keep the grounds, cook, and support those doing the labor. I will be paying a good wage and providing room and board for both those working and their families.

Similarly I'm looking for additional members to our defense group, the Defenders of the Azure keep. We are looking with those with adventuresome spirits to join, we are not asking for any financial support from members, instead this group will focus on defending the area of the keep, and the populace of Wayside during market days. Members will be expected to work together, as well as with others in town and will be supported to the best of our ability, membership does require a commitment to the group, and members are expected not to form conflicting associations.

Members of the Defenders will be given room and board, if desired, as well as use of facilities within the keep once construction has been completed.