By Request - Monthly Blanket for a Year Limited time Promo!


We've recieved a number of requests for a special rate for monthly blankets, either to simply the process, or because they are out of towners wanting to start an Alt.

Thus until the end of the month of April, in order to meet this request/desire we will be offering a Year of Monthly Blankets, You may choose to back blanket 3 months and get them quick, or just start in April. For the price of $75 (Membership fees may apply)

If you do not have a SoMN Membership you will need to purchase one in order to take advantage of this offer (bringing the total to $90)

Important note - This offer grants the goblin stamps 2.5 seconds before the monthly blanket occurs, and they may not be used for any other purpose!

Interested? You can make a donation at the links below! Not interested? Thats okay too ^.^.

It's beyond April, this opportunity is now closed.
Re: By Request - Monthly Blanket for a Year Limited time Pro

so,for sake of clarity (read: limited finances)one can pay for your other Special Offer by the March 15th deadline, and then this one by the End of April, and be covered for everything for the Calendar Year?
Re: By Request - Monthly Blanket for a Year Limited time Pro

Yes, the end times of our various promotions are staggered intentionally for just that reason.