PASS [Bylaws] Modify online voting - add specific proposal period


Atlanta Staff
Summary: Set a standard discussion period, with a method for shortening that period if it becomes necessary for quick action. This proposal creates a 2 week window for discussion to take place, followed by the already existing 2 week voting window, though it may be shortened by an large show of support.
A Member, Committee Lead, or the President(s) may submit a proposal online for a two week discussion period. If during the discussion period the proposal has been seconded by 1/3rd of the current voting members, or if at the end of the discussion period at least one other voting member has seconded the proposal the Alliance General Manager will then place the proposal up for vote.


Once a proposal has been seconded by 1/3rd of the current voting members, or received a second from at least one other voting member at the conclusion of the discussion period, the General Manager must put it up for a vote to the Alliance LARP Members within ten (10) days.

Vote: [Bylaws] Add mandatory adjustable proposal period [PASS]
The following chapters voted for this policy: Chicago, Atlanta, Minnesota, Raleigh, New Hampshire, Gettysburg, Denver, Roanoke
The following chapters voted against this policy: None

Synopsis of conversations: Clarifications were asked as to the timing and requirements of the process, but there was no significant conversation regarding the opposition of instituting a slowing methodology to our change process.