Cabin Requests

We are happy to report that our event attendance continues to increase and while that is great for our game it does mean that we need to take a couple of extra steps to ensure that our events run smoothly. The first step in this process is ensuring that everyone has a place to sleep.

For everyone's reference here is a bed count for each of our cabins.
"B" Group
Tamarack/the Celestial Guild - 6 beds (This building is usable by PCs for sleeping, but please Ward only the rear of the divided room.)
Cedar/B-2/"T" Cabin - 15 beds
White Pine/B-3 - 8 Beds

"C" Group

Pheasant - 17 Beds
Grouse - 18 Beds

Other Cabins (By Request Only)
Camp Store/Medical Building - 3 Beds
Camp Director's Cabin (down the hill from the Tavern) - 2 Beds

If you want to request a cabin in advance for a particular group we ask that you get your group to Pre-Register for the event. In most cases if you fill 80% of the beds in a building we're happy to let you make use of the whole space. In limited circumstances however, we may need to ask you to allow a guest to sleep in the building, but presuming that is still a ways off in most cases.

Please send cabin requests to

If you want to know where you're friends are sleeping here's a link (or at least that's where they've told us they're sleeping).
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