Cali Represent!


So, the federal and state governments have seen fit to return some of the money they stole from me over the course of the past year, and school has decided I deserve a day off because someone was born, got famous, and died.

This equates to the possibility of everyone's favorite reformed necromancer coming to the February event.

I'm really just postinghere, hoping that someone from Cali will read it, and let me know if they have an open spot in a vehicle. Or wants to go in mine.

Hope to play again soon,
Tyler (of the non-Balo persuasion)
jpariury said:
Reformed? Riiiiiiiight.
Yes... reformed. I know that word well.

As in Balryn has never, cough, never, cough cast necromancy.

The first sign of being reformed....

Is admitting there was a problem.

Of course, Cade never had issues telling people he cast chaos.......

So, perhaps JP is right?

