Call for aid through the mists


My friends,

It is a good many years since I traveled in Caladore and Khun'Drk.. are there those among my friends still left? Brockton, Casan, Dieria, Bob, Matthis, MSI, OEF, all of you I laughed, bled and fought alongside.

I have serious matter for you - I need help. Land where I now travel, Deadlands of Laerthan, where there are many good people, needs resource (ships, horses, any aid) and warriors of all type to aid in battle against great evil that will kill many hundred-thousands of people if not stopped.

This battle is soon. It is not certain. Your help is needed.

Will you come to the Deadlands? Will you aid an old friend, and bring your blades, your ships, your horses, your war-machines, your spells, your alchemy, your cunning to this battle? Send me message here if you will aid these people and keep this horror from happening. Most know I have watched my own people die - I do not want to see it happen to another.


OOG NOTE: This is a between-game plot action happening in New Hampshire/The Deadlands. All submissions can be sent to for consideration... and the number of people and their actions really WILL determine the outcome! I believe deadline for submissions is this Friday. View here viewtopic.php?f=73&t=6841 for more information.