Calling all Dragon Slayers and Adventurers


The Kingdom of Dragonreach seeks your aid-

To all those who have the strength of heart to protect those who cannot protect themselves, your assistance is needed in Dragonreach. The battle against the great white wyrm, Bleak, has come to a head. After years of strife, struggle, and sacrifice the forces of Dragonreach and its allies are prepared to strike at the beast itself, in a final effort to rid our lands of its chilling presence.

If you were there when the efforts of the Drevik golem army destroyed the seals of the prison that kept us safe for hundreds of years, we seek your aid.

If you were there as we fought to excise the elemental Fate from Bleak's control, drawing away a huge portion of its power, we call upon your swords again.

If you fought against the creatures of the spirit realm, including the geckie, in an effort to gather powerful allies to our cause, your strength is needed.

If you joined the forces of Dragonreach as we were torn out of time and taken to a world of devastation, where Bleak's forces had triumphed, in order to recover pieces of Bleak's shell to further weaken it's hide, we ask for your bravery once again.

If Bleak's presence has been felt in your land as its life-halting presence attempts to spread and seek greater purchase in Fortanis, we request you take up arms in this fight.

The adventurers who have traveled to our lands have done much to prepare. They have gathered allies and their armies to the field. They have found artifacts of power and unique individuals to provide aid. They have trained themselves into a force that stand against the furor of a dragon. Even with all of that effort we know that this battle will be won or lost by our power to come together and overcome.

Dragonreach and its allies seek your aid and I humbly request that those with the strength to stand and fight against this abomination join me in Dragonreach at months' end. Our forces are strong and determined, but I know first hand what many of you are capable of and I know that those skills and power will be needed in the coming battle. To those who answer this call I will be eternally grateful and swear to assist, to the best of my ability, in the coming years.

Travel safely,

Sir Mathis,
Order of the Emerald Flame
Knight to his Majesty, King Lycergis of Dragonreach
Unfortunately I have duties I can't walk away from in the forgotten lands. I have sent items to help in the cause in my stay. (Oog I'm npcing)

I will be there in attendance. I cannot say I am a dragonslayer, but I must do what I can to aid to prevent the future I witnessed if Bleak isn't defeated.

-Raynn Gale
I will be there, but I have to take some once undead toddlers to an orphanage first. Not sure I will be much help but I've never seen a dragon before so that should be cool.

-The Nefarious Queen Saro
Undead toddlers...

Just when you think you've heard it all something comes along a throws you for a loop. Yes, please kindly leave your undead at home, we have enough undead problems of our own in Dragonreach

Saro? I feel as though I don't want to know the details to that. Everyone is useful in a dragon fight. No one will go to waste of that I am sure. Look forward to seeing you and Raynn as well.

For people who have not fought a Dragon, we will have a meeting to go over what to expect and try and distribute some items so that everyone is prepared.

Fredrick Crawford
Perhaps I have been away to long-- I had thought we'd bested the dark dragon, but it seems he is harder to take down than I thought. No matter, should I manage to make my way to the area, I will once more aid in Bleak's abolishment from the kingdom.

Yes bleak was bested but not in dragons reach. They are fighting bleak as we speak and will tell great adventures when they accomplish such a feat only the best could survive from
Bleak, no Aidan was bested indeed, may he find peace in the graveyard that he never could find in life. Sleep well Aiden.

A great foe has been vanquished an no allies lost to the Graveyard and in that joy should be found. But that other threats loom across many other lands and thus as adventurers are task is far from finished, let us toast to a good day but know hard days still face us and that together we can and will claim victory.

Thank you all who traveled or fought against Bleak. As Kit stated, he has been vanquished but his tale will stand as a grave warning to those who seek to accumulate power.

Seek me out in November if you wish to learn more.

Travel safely,

Sir Mathis,
Order of the Emerald Flame
Knight to his Majesty, King Lycergis of Dragonreach
Sir Mathis of the emerald flame,
The lands of eloria are immersed with fractured lands and minds. The minds of the citizens are fogged with mist as are mine. The world has many what we dubbed islands. The mist carries us there but with consequences.
We have had multiple enemies show up and some who we can't figure out.
There are many things we need help on but nothing that is as bad as bleak. A group of necormancers have been the biggest pain in the adventures sides minus the mist itself. We are now just establishing a foothold as it looks like this is were most will stay.
Nobility has been in question and into the same as it was in Arden. We have set our own chain of command and seems to be working so far.
You are more then welcome to come and help with the syndicate and the other variety of thorns in our side.
