Calling all NPCs

Hey Guys,

As you know, the next Oct event will be run By Ryan Zabawa, Vicki Pacillo, and Amanda Feigenheimer. The event will start in the same setting of Briarpass but may take us in a new direction, we never know after all it is an oct event. :)

I think its important that we try to support them as much as we can in trying their hand at being the "alternate" plot team. Let's all reach out to Ryan, Vick, and Amanda to see what they need in terms of donations, support, or NPCing from each of us so we can all contribute to a fun event.

I think it would be awesome for everyone one of us to sign up to NPC 2-3hrs or more throughout the weekend. I am going to volunteer myself right now for Saturday morning. Plot, I am your slave from around 9am till 1PM.
Anyone wanna join me? or lead the charge at a different time?

Thank you Paul.

As of right now the one thing we would like to see as donations are any lighter colored liquid light glow sticks. The one-off kind that you use then throw away and preferably the white, yellow, or light green ones of any size.

There will be more specific announcements as we get closer to the event.

Depends on what size ones.
4" or 6" Standard, or 1.5" or 2" minis. The 6" and 1.5" are easiest to get.
BTW- I always need red, green and yellow minis as they make great glowing eyes. I could use 6 of each.
Two dozen of the 6" ones would be great
Consider it done, I'll either deliver in person at the Oct event or send it over earlier.
Okay, I've got a box of light sticks sitting in my front room, waiting to be delivered. If I don't make it to October, I'll try to get them to someone who will.
Thanks Keifer,

If anyone has undead tabbards or cool looking robes. Or anything black/faceless hoods would also work. Plus what ever looks cool would help.

We could also use some dark colored light sticks. Preferably the purple/fake black light ones.

Please let us know if anyone has some to donate.
I'll go look and buy some out of pocket for ya guys :)

Man, you guys make me wish that I had money!!!! If I did then I could help donate stuff >.< sad day for me


P.S. Scared to death at why you want purple/black glow lights...Kevar no likie!
If you mean that Kevar I can drive up there and drop off supplies to be processed.....
I'm pretty sure theres no room in his dorm to store 10 tonnes of birdseet and 4 and a 1/2 miles of clolth and ribbon.


Thats cause he has that useless bed in the way, we could get rid of that.
Haha! You know...I do have a large dorm!

If you want to talk about that sometime I am game, I wouldn't want you to have to come all the way up to Fargo. But I am sure that we could meet somewhere :D we can figure it out later though.

Take it easy guys,
Brent Woodward
You driving many many miles is good enough for me. I may need to use your body though(NPCing).
Amanda...I always know that you wanted me for my body! (Like I said I can definitely help...but I like to PC too so no 12 hour stint! haha)

Take care,
I would NPC... but the black makeup for me is somewhat prohibitive. :?