Calling all Romani

My dear brot'ers and sisters and Rai,

I need your help, please contact me privately.

Fortune and Love Forget No one,

May You Find Warmth and Hospitable Climes E'er You Go,

~Marcena Cenkraea "The Dove" Idumea DagonGaddi'
Romani of Clan Dagon
Vat is it you need little one. tis not the way of our peoples to crawl in ze shadows but to speak plainly ze truth as we sea it no?

Luca Scourge of seas
I did nye t'ink it safe, mi fratello. I simply wanted to speak wit' brot'ers and sisters wit'out unfavorable noise interrupting discussion. Dhere are some of us who, smartly, fear or decline to speak in dhe dreamrealms here.
I would say you have the very cause of the dislike of these people in full display. I must thank you for this Marcena.

Why do you think your people are so reviled? perhaps because they show their true hatred and revulsion in kind by calling the people of these lands "unfavorable noise"

What would you have these people do?

Alister Gordon
Is nye what I meant. I meant dhe creul t'ings often said to mi brot'ers and sisters. Makes dhem afraid to speak. Is unfavorable. It made me afraid for a while...

My dear that you taste a merest hint of the fear and flavor of the undesirability of your peoples prescence in these lands is sweetness in our ears. We have pained and toiled for your peoples exile from the very lands which are not yours, have never been, and shall never be.

I state plainly, you and your kind are an invasion, nay an infection upon this land yet demand equal rights, equal care. Why? what has your cumpaniera done to earn such treatment? respect?

I daresay nothing as far as has been observed by the good people of Briarpass, you have stolen, born ill tidings, caused death, enraged the people and claimed twice now to have "lifted the scourge" from these lands only for it to return all the stronger. I plead you to explain to me how exactly my heart ought to deal with these setbacks, how my brethren farmers, tatchers, cartment, wheelwrights and other members of our sacred sworn to defend our livelyhood ought to deal with such treachery.

Alister Gordon
We do nye want your lands. We do nye seek to invade.

Why must we prove ourselves? If by sheer atrocities committed, can we nye deny humans of dheir rights simply because dhere are more of dhem and so more crimes committed wit'in dhem?

I will take it as safe bet dhat you have ne'er faced down screaming hordes of brood or shadows or undead to save a city you will ne'er call home. I will take it as safe bet you have ne'er put your life and livelihood on dhe line to help save people who would as soon see your corpse in dhe noon-day sun.

My brot'ers and my sisters come wit' dhe same resolve and knowing in dheir hearts.

Fair you well, Alister. I am here so dhe night will be less dangerous when I leave.

I fear your incorrect on almost all accounts but I that though this be true it will not deter your continued assault and insult upon my person and fellow countrymen.

Simply put I have defended my home and still do from an invasion I consider dangerous, I aided in the defense from the Rockfists, sheltering the wounded in my home, I aided in calming the populace during the brood war and I have been at every step vigilant to attempt to maintain the relative calm of my home whilst you are cause part and parcel to the continued unrest of my brethrain. You wax poetically of your desire to help yet you wont undertake the one action which would make us safer yet you'd expect me to beleive that you have true desires for the safety of myself, my home and my people?

Your correct in the safety of a bet to assume I am not as foolish as you and your kind, in that there is a certain foolishness to standing and pretending to fight for a people who care not for your livelyhood, care not for your company, or your very prescence near their home. These people have, as they see it and have explained albeit in common terms, just cause for this judgement upon you and thus your continued prescence measures not as heroism in my book but as the base and thoughless acts of either an idiot, a savage, or someone who stands to continue to gain from practicality. I darenot attempt to name which or all three however you are ignorant yourself in your continued attempts to convince me of your false pretense. Let us not call a horse a cow for neither of us are blind though maybe one of us is too stupid to see that.

You claim to stand before the shadow and face the threats before us but I wonder if you've ever made any sort of true sacrifice or if, like all others of your ilk, you leave these lands to fallow in sickness after each marketday your pockets laden with the spoils of your conquests?

I do agree with one statement you've made, however not for the same cause. Indeed the nights will be safer for all when you and your kind leave. If you desire to do so permantly. I'll see to it that your handsomely rewaded, and book passage for you myself as a show of my good faith.


Gordon Alister
Founder of the GFW
Goodman Alister,

Bein' of Romani blood, d'is is not de first time ah've heard o' such a blight upon de lands, although jus' as often tied to anothah race o' peoples an' not jus' de Rom, and d'is sound like it be much worse and far reachin' d'an any other ah've heard of. Some o' de Rom who been in yo' lands fo' some time sent word out o' de troubles in vague terms, and de only othah t'ings ah've heard 'bout dem from common talk o' it is jus' d'at...common talk o' vague t'ings. My clan has many t'ings dey teach dey young, an' one of em, roughly translalted, is: you break it, you fix it. If d'ere is a root cause to d'is blight an d'at root has Rom involvement, d'en it mos' likely need Rom involvement to fix it. Ah'm comin' to see if mah scantly knowledgable but not insignificantly powered self can't get to de nitty gritty o' de t'ing. If it indeed be needin' Rom mojo to fix it, d'en ah'll apply d'ose not-insignificant skills to de task at hand. If, howevah, it can be proven d'at de best way Rom can be contributin' to de removal of such a t'ing from de lands, den ah'll bend my modest wealth and influence into convincin' de Rom folk to go a'rovin' once more 'till de lands can recover and will once again welcome de tread o' our children's feet.

Will, you, sah, meet wit' me and show/tell me all d'at you have gathered as far as information 'bout d'is terrible t'ing in order to lend weight to yo' cause? Always bettah to work toward some'tin den against it, n'est pas?

You see, mon couer, we been saying dhe same t'ings for dhe better part o' two years. Do dhey listen? Nye. Pretending to fight...pretending to care...

It does nye matter what Allister or anyone else t'ink of us. What matter is what dhe las' leader of dhe GFW say to me. "We were wrong, we were all wrong." Dhat is only t'ing dhat will keep me coming back. I don' like to terry where I am nye wanted. I make my living anot'er way dhan adventuring.

I have a feeling is jus' going to get more dangerous from here on in.
