Camp Matta Market Tents


Chicago Staff
Hey everyone. Now that we're back at Matta's, I'm wondering if anyone is bringing large tents, canopies, etc for outside. I think it would be really cool to set up a Market, or bazaar, like at the August 2012 Guest Plot event.

I'm assuming the legendary Gryphon Tea tent will be back. I'll be bringing a large canopy that'll either have for sitting under, or putting it over the Earth Circle.

If you're willing and able to add to the ambiance, please mention below...or just surprise people!

I will be bringing a table. I don't have a canopy tent sadly, I want one though. If anyone has one to spare.. =D
Which reminds me - there is NADA for chairs and/or tables to sit on/at - so if you have any to bring, it would be a good idea. :P
And the region's Boggle problem rages on.
What happened to the ones donated...?
Boggles stole them, obviously.
Hopefully the boggles didn't take them far, but it has been quite a while since we have been to this tavern.............

Better to plan on nothing and be over prepared, than to depend on things left and not seen.