Campaign Announcement

Dan Nickname Beshers

I probably should have put this up right after the October event. Part of me has been dragging my feet because this is still a little jarring to say.

Next season will be the final season for the Deadlands campaign. I should stress right away that this does not mean the Alliance NH chapter is closing. Instead it means that I, and the rest of the plot staff, feel strongly that it is better to tell a story that has a definitive end rather than drag on past the point of creative value out of a misplaced sense of nostalgia.

We want to tell a story that we can be proud of, and that we hope you all will remember favorably. That means giving it a good ending. That ending will be on October 22, 2017. (Event dates are going up tonight.) I hope you'll all be there. I hope you'll enjoy the conclusion of our story.

Please make sure to get personal plot submissions in, since this will be the last opportunity. If you want your character's personal story to get addressed and wrapped up, this is the time to let us know. Please use the form on the website to send us your downtime actions for the winter.

I want to thank the plot team both current and former for their incredible work over the last 10 years. Sean Metzler, Samara Metzler, Evan Tessier, Brian Davis, Ray Roberge, George Hirst, Corey Phillllllips, Kelly Johnston and of course the impossible Gary Marvel. Thank you as well to our excellent logistics and managent teams over a decade of Deadlands; Meghan Kinkaid, Albert Lamonda, Samantha Olson, Melissa Guertin, Mike and Jena Lawson, Chris Belcher, Doug Johnston, Mark Simino, Jaimi Davis.

Thank you Brian and Deb White for being such kind and generous hosts to us all.

Thank you to Shane White for being the grandfather of this beautiful, stupid baby I love so much.

Thank you, Stacey. I love you.

Thank you everyone who has ever played the game, who gave up weekends to come put up with my dumb story and have fun hitting nerds, with plumbing supplies, in the woods.

Thank you NPCs.

Hey. Hey you. GET HYPE.
