Camping Mod


Hey I was curious if the camping mod Dave spoke of before the last event is still planning to occur the friday night of this event? As if it is I would like to do some tent and stuff organizing with the other people that are going, so we carry up as little as possible.

Yes, I am still plannning on it. I will be working out the logistics of it this weekend. I really need everyone who wants to go to email me at daveoatlostwaredotcom so I can give you all the hooks for the mod and get you all in touch with each other.

Is it too late to register for the camping mod? If not, can we bring our own gear? (I've never done this before)
Er... is this happening or was it cancelled? I sent an email a while back but have not heard back yet, and it's a bit last minute now...
Polare Lissenstine said:
Er... is this happening or was it cancelled? I sent an email a while back but have not heard back yet, and it's a bit last minute now...

I do apologize, I thought I had responded to you. Yes, it is going on. PLease to be bringing your camping things. JP, Holly, Brad, and Haley will also be going.

Did you get my e-mail? :(