Can trap AOEs go through walls?

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For instance, let's say a trap is set inside a building next to a wall. If the trap is set off, will it affect someone who is standing just outside the building, on the other side of the wall?
As a Marshal, I would rule no, for your specific example, assuming the building is completely closed off.

The trap rules are specifically designed so that unbeatable traps are illegal. I would say that the intent of that rule would prevent players from being victimized by a trap that they had no chance of perceiving.

Per the description of page 145:

"It might help to imagine a trap sending out
packets in a five foot circle, and, like a spell, if
a packet hits your possessions, it will affect you.
Similarly, if you are affected by a trap, all objects
on you are subject to the rules for being in
the trap’s radius. "

I would say that, based on this description, being behind a -complete wall- would prevent you from being hit. That means a fence won't save you, if there's enough of a gap for a packet to get through. I'm instinctively drawn towards a 5 ft line of effect (meaning I could take a five foot rope and go around corners to see if it reaches you), but there's nothing in the ARB that actually says it works that way.

So. Per the book, as long as there's a wall between you and the trap without a packet-sized gap, yeah, you'd be safe.

Note that Wards and Wizard Locks would fill any applicable gaps, as would a Wall of Force.
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