CANCELED- Open Invite: Craft Night at my Apato


UPDATE: I have to cancel this. I'm not feeling well. Sorry all. =/

Okay, so I was thinking I'd go ahead and post this now- an open invite by to swing by my place for a small group crafting session. I know a lot of us have various costume pieces we're working on or even donations. This isn't official. You don't get gobbies for showing up but you do get to share some kickarse company. I'll have snacks out and such- & movies to watch too. I don't have a date set in stone yet but I'm looking at either March 18th, 23rd, or 25th, late afternoon/evening-ish. Hopefully I can update this in the next day or two with a set time. Just think of it as an open house (or apt in my case). Even if you can only stop in to say Hello for a moment I'll still be happy to have ya'! ^^

Oh, and I almost forgot to mention it, I'm located in Coon Rapids on the border near Fridley.

EDIT: I was able to get it set for the 23rd from about 4:30-8:30 or so. You're welcome to stay as late as you want but I'll have to leave for about 30 min around then.

EDIT #2: I forgot to add up here that you should send me a PM if you want to stop by- for directions since google maps & mapquest screw up my street.

Re: Open Invite: Craft Night at my Apato

Ill be there :D Hopefully with a new anvil and rivit/snap setting set >.>

any of those days work great for me, 18th is during my spring break, so I should be WIDE open for that one. But the other 2 work just as fine. Ill bring some beverage!

Re: Open Invite: Craft Night at my Apato

Ooooh... sounds interesting. I may have to attend.
Re: Open Invite: Craft Night at my Apato

i could probably use the chance to craft my new weapons, and it might be nice to meet some of the other people before jumping into a pc role
Re: Open Invite: Craft Night at my Apato

That sounds fun. I would enjoy the opportunity. Only date I couldn't do is the 23rd. Have prior plans. -Dawson
Re: Open Invite: Craft Night at my Apato

Hrm, I might come up for this, I need to pick up a shipment at Cabelas in Rogers anyway, plus I need some fresh personal packets for my barrister
Re: Open Invite: Craft Night at my Apato

Unfortunately Tue/Thu evenings are sort of bad for me. (4 classes mon/wed/fri) But I hope its productive! I certainly wish I could be there. :)
Re: Open Invite: Craft Night at my Apato

Well, I got the date sorted out. Sorry Lok but the only date I was able to get was the 23rd.

So, it looks like it'll be the 23rd from 4:30 until, I dunno, 8/9-ish. You guys can just PM me for the address & directions. Trust me, mapquest & google maps will NOT get you there.

Re: Open Invite: Craft Night at my Apato

totally cool. working on some important stuff that night. maybe some other night. -dawson
Re: Open Invite: Craft Night at my Apato

Yeah, if anyone shows up I'll probably do it again. I noticed we have no events or anything going on in June....

Oh and a quick reminder for anyone who's thinking of coming- you'll want to PM me for directions.
Re: Open Invite: Craft Night at my Apato

satsukirebel said:
Yeah, if anyone shows up I'll probably do it again. I noticed we have no events or anything going on in June....

Oh and a quick reminder for anyone who's thinking of coming- you'll want to PM me for directions.

We'll have something going on in June that will be over a weekend, details are pending as I need to clarify a few things, but it will not be a standard event.
Good to know, I have to plan my weekend schedule in advance so I'm glad you mentioned it. ^^