Carpooling for June event


Just like the last event; I have several spots in my truck for anyone who needs a ride to the June event. I will be giving rides to anyone who needs one from Myth Games, will be there for an hour and leaving about 5 pm. Post in the thread if you want a ride or call me at 403-998-3528.

I need a ride to the event, as I do not drive.
Where do you live Math?
He's down near me in Calgary, in the Acadia area. however my car is full.
Talk to ze other bird fellow then-I believe his truck has spots! =D
Bird-brain has about 4 spots in my truck left - anyone is welcome .... as long as you dont touch my radio......
Hey, its Kristen. I'm looking for a ride out, I live in Lakeview. So south, as south as you can go on crowchild. I'll have one large bag, and one or two small ones.
I will be Driving out on Friday, I will be leaving Calgary around 7ish. If there is anyone who needs a lift let me know I have room to spare in my Car.
blarasorous said:
Hey, its Kristen. I'm looking for a ride out, I live in Lakeview. So south, as south as you can go on crowchild. I'll have one large bag, and one or two small ones.

What time can you leave?
Sorry for not responding! been busy.
@Greimalk I'm down in Acadia, right behind the Co-Op #3 on Macleod trail between Heritage and Southland. However, I've already called Lorne when I posted this and he said to meet up with him at Myth. (I presume Lorne=Bird Brain. I met him at the Work Day but I can't place the name to the face, however I recognized his voice on the phone.) Riding up with him might be a good idea because then I might get a change to get some more insight into the biata from someone who plays one =Z.
Sorry for double - posting, I just saw Cory's carpooling post and though I should put this information up there.

Edit: Just confirmed that I'm getting a ride with Lorne, but the information is still good to put up so that others get into the habit :)

When you post you need a ride or can offer a ride please post the following:
1. Your Name: Justin White
2. What area in the city you are in: Acadia (Bonaventure Drive, which is one block over from MacLeod.) Willing to meet people at any pick up point near the c-train (Myth Games or that stop just after Lion's Park which if I'm not mistaken is on the main road you'd need to take towards Cochrane before turning north to Cremona.)
3. What time you can leave: Whenever I'm asked to. I could leave in the morning if the driver wanted to.
4. Approx how much "stuff" you have: One backpack which contains my food, clothes and some costume related stuff, two small IG bags - mostly containing props (the props will be further wrapped in a plastic bag for transport so they don't spill everywhere). A blanket, bedsheet and Pillow, which will probably either be in it's own large bag or other semi-tidy bundle.