Carpooling Help May Event

Hi guys, its me Bill

I really can't afford to drive myself, alone, from Cape Cod to Montrose for the May event. All my usual carpool people are occupied that weekend. If anyone along the way (from the cape, the route taken is usualy is i495 to i90, i90 to i84. i84 for a long time to the i80 junction in scranton, then rt 11 (i think is the number) to 706 and site.) wouldn't mind a carpool buddy I would be very greatful. I don't even mind driving, or using my car if you wanna avoid putting miles on your own, I just need a carpool to help with gas. Please pm me if you, or your group (i drive a station wagon and am comming alone) would like to take advantage of this offer.

to make it more clear, if your in the MA, CT, or NY, or posibly NJ area and are going to the event and would like to help me out, please message me.

If you cannot find someone to carpool with you (which would be shocking because Bill is not only cool, he's also dead sexy) then please let me know. I would like to help with the 'get Bill down to HQ fund 'cause he's got mad plot-love to make'.


I think if you can make it to Syracuse you can jump in with meghan and I...Hell or if FT Drum is closer. But if you can get to one of those two places you can jump in my truck.
Syracuse is an hour and a half closer then Ft Drum. You guys are about 6 hours away from me, and site is about 7. I'll let you know whats up as we get closer to the event, but I am really hoping for someone a bit closer. I love you guys, but I'm poor :).

Anyone else looking for a carpool buddy?
Sorry dear as it stands we're probly going to be late for game on. wish I could be of more help...