Carpooling - October

I just found out today that my arranged ride no longer has room for me due to an additional family member joining the LARP, thus once again I need to make new ride arrangements.

I can leave at any time of Friday. I bring with me a backpack, 2 smallish bags, a staff and usually 1-2 small plastic grocery bags of stuff. In a pinch I could probably cut 2 or 3 of the bags if in a small vehicle. I typically contribute $10 towards gas and vehicle maintenance whenever I get a ride out.

I live in the South near Heritage C-train (right behind Co-Op #3 on MacLeod between Heritage and Southland.. 86th Avenue & Bonaventure Dr.) and would greatly appreciate a pick-up, but have become accustomed to meeting people at Myth Games and heading out from there if that is not possible. I'm used to meeting people at 5:00, but I will be free all day, so up for whatever arrangement the driver needs.

I would like very much to stay for Monday, but if the person with whom I am getting a ride intends to come back on Sunday then I will have to follow suit (Unless an unusual situation occurs where one person drives me there and another person drives me back on Monday - possibly due to someone else who got a ride up needing to be back on Sunday and gets a ride home with the person who took me up, which would then leave an opening for the person who took them up to take me back on Monday.. but that's a much more complicated arrangement).

I do have a tentative 'last ditch' ride arranged at the Wing Night, but it was somewhat clear that that situation was only if I could find no other way up (and has me coming home on Sunday)

Thank you so much for trying to help those unable to drive themselves up to attend!