Carriers 2.0 to 2.1

Jack Y.

Assistant General Manager
In 2.0, Page 101 (Calls):
Carrier attacks are a special type of Weapon qualifier attack. If a
Weapon qualifier attack has a damage number and a special effect, it’s
considered a Carrier attack. In this case, the special effect will only work if
the damage gets to your Body Points; if the damage only hits your Armor
Points, the special effect doesn’t do anything extra. Carrier attacks can
never provide a beneficial effect to the target; if you would be healed by a
Carrier Effect, you instead call “No Effect” as if you were Immune to it.
as well as
No Effect: The attack was com-
pletely ineffective. In general, if you’re
immune to part of an effect, you’re
immune to all of it. For example, if
you’re Immune to the Spell qualifier, you
call No Effect to anything that uses that
qualifier, even if you’d normally take the
Effect that’s called.

In 2.1, Page 9 (Qualifiers)
Weapon: This qualifier represents attacks from weapons and claws. Any Weapon qualifier attack that includes a
number, omits the “Weapon” Qualifier from the call, unless the Strike keyword is also used. The damage from Weapon
qualifier attacks cannot be used to restore lost body points to a target, though the effect may be beneficial in other ways.

The way it reads in the 2.1 December packet under this section has wording that may lead to someone believing the way carriers work has changed, though I can't think of a use case at the moment that would see a weapon call with a number that would provide a beneficial effect to a target other than healing.

Entirely possible I'm reading too much into it, thanks for your time!
The way carriers work has changed. They are no longer limited to Weapon attacks. So, you can see an attack of “Arcane 10 Sleep” delivered via weapon that, if it lands a valid hit and deals body damage, also delivers a sleep effect.

While calls similar to the above could have happened in 2.0, the language was not there to support it, technically.

Weapon attacks still cannot be used to heal body points, just like in 2.0, but can provide beneficial effects, just like in 2.0.

The way it reads in the 2.1 December packet under this section has wording that may lead to someone believing the way carriers work has changed, though I can't think of a use case at the moment that would see a weapon call with a number that would provide a beneficial effect to a target other than healing.
Most of these types of things fall more under the “monster with a beneficial effect on their weapon swing” (Think life elemental swinging “5 Life”) or “ritual flaw” (“healed by flame” still won’t heal you off a flame elemental swinging claws at you) than something that is easily accessible from the PC side.