Castle Favorites


Hey guys thanks for a great event, a few favorites ...

-Although I think Kit may gain grey hair: Gypsy Politics, Enan is truly a barrister and talks endlessly around the issue and Kit was trying to be "nice"
-Drinking endlessly during gypsy politics- I apparently am the Blackwolves chief backer
-The drunk walk with Regan, I thought we were both going to die OOG when we almost fell down the hill
-Talitha being so darn evasive but always answering my questions a little. At one point she answered a question about not talking to Enan, but somehow managed to still not talk to him when he was sitting next to me...
Love 9ing Regan...actually the rp leading up to it and trying to finde a candidate
-Durehdels raised eyebrow when he found out Talitha was invested in our ward
-the fact the Enan meeting was interrupted like every ten minutes by defenders...obviously 3 gypsies were circle rezzing Enan in Shadowslights ward in the middle of the day and had to be interrupted...
-Kendra fining me... :er:
-Family tea ceremony, the best reaction ever...Would you like to join the family tea ceremony Bevin I welcome you.."That would be great" We will be drinking Gorkas ashes and eachothers blood..."NO...wide eyed and slack jawed...
-Family Tea
-Supporting the town box and Jonathan always having the oh I know im getting cursed if this gets messed up Yes man attitude...
-Tribesman Politics..And deathing Kendra in the process...
-Changing prophesy for Mithradates and rp with Hengin
-Hengin and healing :blink:
-Forsaken fight was by far my favorite of the weekend
-Making Shantony apolgize to Regan and Foss demanding to know why I spelled down Shantony
-Npcing the final mods and the fast rifts in between to try and finish rps or driveby buff Shadowslight...especially the first time when I cast like 8 spells in 8 seconds and rifted out...sorry Durehdel but your mighty golem needed not my lowly administrations...
Castle Event favorites

I figure someone's going to start this topic at some point, and I'd like to share my faves while they're still pretty fresh in my head.

The fight against the Empire when the rift opened was fantastic. While it was the hardest, most epic fight I've been in so far, I still felt like I was doing well in it. PCs did a good job of making me feel needed, and NPCs did an excellent job of making sure everyone had someone to fight.

I was up defending the walls for most of this fight, and I'd like to thank Saito (whose name I still struggle to pronounce--sorry!) for helping me. We made a good team, and at least one NPC complimented us on it as we were cleaning up the site. I'd also like to thank her and Reyn for putting up with Val's drunken state as Reyn attempted to teach Saito how to read and write. :whistle: "This is how the foxkin get together..." :whistle:

Thank you to Fern for that free fighting lesson, which I'm sure helped many relatively new PCs.

The Prince memory was pretty well done, as well, although I was at the back of the line for most of it, fending off the corrupt who tried to attack us there, so I didn't hear most of what was going on. I was hoping plot would at some point exploit the possibility of an "alternate history" in the fortress, and I'm glad to see they must have thought of that, too.

Alternate Fern was scary.

Then, of course, who could forget Teague's giant ferocious teddy bear who I have taken to calling Batbear? ("MEEEEEP! VOICE RADIUS BATTERANGS! MEEEEEP! WHERE ARE THE OTHER DRUGS GOING?" :bat: ) His voice shook the castle more than a battering ram ever would. I just wish he would've let me finish my lunch first. ;)

And a constant stream of battles leads to Val taking another rain check on training with Kendra, which is becoming hilarious OOG.

Last of all, a big thank you to whoever allowed us to use the site. It was awesome.
For my first time being at the castle I have to admit it’s pretty sweet! I said it on FB but I’ll say it again, thanks to NPCs/Staff for putting on the 2012 season!


-4am plans that sound like a good idea in your mind not actually going that way in reality. Example: Coatyl’s CoP.
-“What If” mod, specifically Stephen, Em and Paul during that whole
thing. Fern’s hissy fit confession with Tal and Elle was a great performance. I felt a tear coming on. :D
-Fern returning the Cord, then “joking” he’d sell it back for another 75g, what a guy!
-Mellow Gandian vs. Metal Fern. “Fern, would you please stop
yelling”-G. “Oh, okay”-Fern. A Gandian not filled with rage is just……
-Finding The Forsaken of Ice’s Wand outside and reuniting it after a year with its former owner.
-Frezzit module and Diplomatic complications
-Pre-Orc Module Cigars. I don’t know how that small group turned into
the actual starting spot of the module but oh well. Thanks Brent.
-Forest Edge/Keepers tea & relations. Was a blast hanging out with Forest Edge Saturday night. I know you personally made 2 ½ Dryads very happy.
-Dagmara. Slowly she is making subtle impacts on the town. “Asher, do
you know the glove dance?”-York. York begins to do that dance. “Wait…that’s Dagmara’s dance”-me; followed by a good laugh.
-Barnabus. What a fun guy that one is.
-Paul seeing DT run full speed as Runeforge down the steep Hill, fall, roll, get up, and continue running. How that didn’t go horribly wrong is beyond me. Was pretty cool to watch but I’m sure all of us there had their hearts sink for a second.
- Regan being Love 9’d to Asher. I’m sure I was absolutely no help in that political manner; just another Elf emotion I need to figure out.

Now that I've had time to reflect more:
- Empire mod. Casual talks with the Magister of Lunar magic. Just a great mod in general; can never go wrong with that plotline!
- Calling out Gandian after the nth time of failing to make 3 puns in a row. He walked away, then OOG came back a second later and admitted it. You'll get the Hattrick one day!
- Dure'hdel and Beeps. Fully knowing if he killed a Beep the Mother Beep would come and roll people, and yet he still did it anyway...a 2nd time. "It touched me"-Dure'hdel.
Favorites? Let's see...

--The castle: seriously, that thing is awesome.
--Running into a bunch of old friends. Asher, Saito, Zed, Bevin, Panda, Cho Ko Nu, Anthony, Val, Keallit, and Tarqaq.
--Reyn's talk with Val on the ramparts.
--Reyn's conversation with Victor in the courtyard Friday evening. I think that was a turning point in his character arc.
--Meeting Chip, finally. :)
--Learning how to fight better with my claws. I feel like I'm gaining some real confidence! Kudos to Fern for that nice training session.
--Learning how to make potions. This will DEFINITELY come in handy.
--The "swords and sheathes" joke. ;) Lily, Spore, and Val should get this.
--Getting a brusque talking-to by Bevin. Reyn was really feeling out of it right before the phase-pair battle, and I think that little chat was a nice kick-start to a fresh perspective on himself.
--Teaching Saito how to read and write, which was immensely fun to RP, and lasted a good while. And then being rudely interrupted when the wall came down...
--Taking a Spell-Strike Fear during aforementioned phase-pair fight, and fleeing into a corner (which is much more in-character than I'd like to accept :sweat: ). And then subsequently being awakened by Keallit and having a nice little RP moment with her.
--In general, that phase-pair fight was a frantic, frenetic, up-and-down-and-all-around-the-entire-courtyard-and-battlements fight, and I got a wealth of good combat experience from it.
--Teaching Tarqaq blacksmithing; I don't think he was AS good a student as Saito, but you know how things are... :whistle:
--Anthony's double lesson, teaching Secora and Val how to teach ( :noway: MINDBLOWN). Keallit and Reyn, both teachers, were there as supportive instructors, and gave some demonstrations (Reyn and Secora compared Two Weapons rechniques, whilst Val taught Keallit to use a shield). This little bit was WONDERFUL. Great job Adric!
--Making better friends with Secora. I'm really getting to like her.
--Nowen's Magic Storm hat. (Technically and OoG joke, but it was still hilarious.)
--The siege. Holy crap, the siege. Sneaking through the woods with the ballista; blowing up the back door; running up the battlements; fighting Slender corrupt, breaking down the gate; taking TWO life spells. Holy crap. Also, it was pretty darn funny, the first time I died, to have Spore rush over to me, force-feed me a cure light, and say "Got It. No Effect," to which she responded "****."
Very specific story, and probably my number one highlight: After the gate and been broken and the adventurers had entered the courtyard, Reyn was still up on the battlements with the archers, trying to protect them in case any more Slender corrupt showed up. He saw a commotion inside the one of the remote turrets, and found Reagan and Chip trying to protect the crumpled form of Enan. He joined the fray just as Reagan went down, and told Chip to protect him with her shield as he tried to get Enan back up with cure wounds (bad idea, as I found out!). That didn't work out so well, and Chip went down, then Reyn took eight chaos to the back of the neck as he tried to revive Reagan. The corrupt double tapped us a few times, and then took out Ewan as he left the interior of the parapet (I later found out that in addition to the five of us, there was a sixth person out on the wall who had been killed as well). We waited in the darkness for a good four minutes, but then Asher and Keallit (plus change) charged into the turret and got every single one of us a life spell just in time. He later told Reyn that the alchemical light Reyn was wearing around his neck (which Reyn had purchased on a whim mere hours ago) had caught his eye and lead him straight to the turret; if Reyn hadn't been wearing it, he never would've seen him. Finding out that he had just saved six lives, including his own, was friggin' fantastic. Asher, you are so getting a hug the next time I see you!

--One more out-of-game one; at the end of our ten-minute water-break during the siege, Gabriel running up to his ballista and bellowing "NOW IS COWARD KILLING TIME!" That one cracked me up.
Mine will be a bit shorter since I didn't show up to the first 24 hours of the event, but here goes.

-Being introduced to Lilly. Vadis was competely unaware of York's family history and was completely unphased to meet his sister. The Captain wearing flowers in his hair on the other hand, that's just strange.

-Being Dominated by Metal-Fern after watching him drop all the other members of the Black Wolves. Vadis is used to following Fern's orders when applicable and running. After being awakened though, Sorry Fern, Kendra is scarier than you.

-Reagan and Gandian going back and forth at the last auction. I should've taken bets on who would give up first.

-First event using Slay. Got to drop an enemy that had an active slay with a slay.

-Story time for Anthony, Rayn and a couple others. Being able to sit and recount an "old war story" really helped me delve deeper into the character.

-Discussing families and histories with Lilly.

-Lilly running after the Greater corrupt mid-refit. *How am I supposed to protect her if she TRIES to get herself killed?*

All said I had a good time this weekend and am really glad I made it up for the time I did. The castle is really cool. Also I got some seriously solid RP in this weekend.
First off thank you staff and NPC's, this was a fantastic event!

-Everything involving Ewan, so many fun little moments! Becoming part of my tribe, the surprise magic item, intoxicates and pb&j, the talk after watching you rezz twice (not more, you're not allowed to perm) was all fantastic
-Fight practice with Shanthony and getting to work together. Teaching him celestial arts and practicing throwing aura was fun.
-Helping teach Val and Socora to teach, definitely a new perspective on explaining things in game
-Foss, talking to you is always wonderful
-The phase pair battle, it felt like sheer chaos as everyone was running through the courtyard and I kept hearing 'phase out, phase in'
-The revisited prince mod and the corrupt fight afterward. Definitely one of the harder fights we've had this season
-Golem style!
-Hearing a little about Vadis's background with orcs. Definitely not standing near you if you get berserked
-Val's drunken antics
Hi All,

Just wanted to let you know where you can look at the pictures I took (if you haven't seen them on Facebook).

Paste this link into your browser for pictures :thumbsup:

I didn't do any editing yet or other descriptives, just wanted to get them out there for you all to see.

Did anyone get any pictures of Socora? I didn't get any on my camera.

so many favorites so little time to tell them all.

A massive thanks to all those who helped volunteer, staff, NPC, cook, ferry stuff, or even donate towards this event or in general the whole 2012 season. Off hand, Larp Mom and the food committee for the feeding of my belly, the GMs both Sarah and Alysha who may just now be figuring out the scope of horrible that the most thankless job in the alliance is, the logistics team, Alexander, for your prompt replies to my many many quieries. The plot team members who gave up a season of playing in MN to volunteer their time or flew from out of state to attend events. Thanks to all of you and a hug. I'd give you more but anything id have to offer would pale in comparison to what you have already freely given.

On to some faves:

- Its a castle...that has to be a favorite.
- Showing up early enough to help logistics, set up, etc and to not have to hunt for a bunk. (Thanks to Mr. and Mrs. Krebs for the hospitality and to the St Cloud Kids for showing us such a good time)
- The car ride... it reminded me of the good ole days of larp. 5 people in a car with bags on their heads and weapons in hand driving together...good times were never so uncomfortable and thank god for the comfy cruiser.
- My favorite module of the year... Bone's tragic story time with drunken Duredhel and Fern for comedy releif. Some sample lines Fern in a scared drunken voice as he's trapped in webs "I'm in trouble..." " "Ouch, I scraped my ____" "Hey check out that sight...its celestial magic sexy" and so many more all to the backdrop of emelyn's creepy pixie laugh as bone.
-Great stuff with York's background comming out and clubbing him in the face...Felix. :)
- Knowing we were being tested each step of the way had me on edge the whole time it made for a great time.
- Fun Hobling RP on what it means to be a hobling... I think racial RP is great because it ignores levels, skills, build, or MIs. It simply takes account RP and that makes it awesome. I loved that all of us had similar ideas of what a true hobling is and could look down in disdain at people who dismiss us as simple coin grubbers. Great RP Ewan and Bevin.
- discovering the prophecy with the needle stuck in the armor piece...somebody asked " was that there the whole time?" and I am still not sure but it was cool.
- All the town leadership meetings...what to do next plannings.
- The Slythercarn battle. I walked into town and grabbed a herald (Gandian) and then made a lot of demands backed up by a dozen or so vampire charms, made the nobility bow before my greatness, ordered a few people to fight and kept pushing the envelop even making a knight kb her squire... but you steal one magic polearm...and the town falls on you like a tsunami. :P
- The feeling of failure with the Lok mod fern was real low and I didnt think it could get much worse....then..
- (this is long but made my season) Alternate history mode with Fern having gone over to the prince...the prince's call was really easy to answer for Fern and I had to watch what would have happened if I had taken a different path last year. Manning the ramparts and speaking with Talon more than Fern has ever had the chance was so peacefull and then we caught the first group working to get to a side the battle was furiously fought with huge RP arguments, Fern spewing his guts to Talitha ..she almost had me changing sides...till someone called me evil... and then the freakout. begging Talon for Talitha's life murdering Elle for "scheming to betray him" during her parlay with the Prince. Mercilessly attacking Lady Grey and trying to ensure Rez as a crying York and a near Bezerked Kendra were desperatly trying to dave her was awesome. Panda's flat out refusal to deal with me by words...I had gone too far and I was gunna eat it really set off our great interpersonal play and overall the RP throughout was fantastic. Fading back into the keep and RPing with Talon telling him how much I loved him and him sharing that I was his best soldier and friend and how proud he was of me (words ive always wanted to hear but never will). The battle in the hallway once we got breached got wicked...we cut down a group then put our backs to a wall and pushed back..the back and forth was intense and as we ran out of defenses and I just flat out tired out, Talon and I kept speaking calmly throughout planning out tactics and resources as we kept getting pounded by Enan and the defenders everytime Enan's rebirth would drop... I ran down my heal golems slowly until he apologized/ hugged me and sent me to die by my own friends hands. I was crying when Asura finally dropped me.
- I rifted back into town to a mess of emotions Fern wasnt ready for... Talitha unsure what had happened begging me for an explanation. Panda's "you are a good man" speech which was very emotional and heartfelt. "You are never ever ever allowed into a golem period!" from Bevin.

I could keep tired now.

Darkcrescent said:
-Paul seeing DT run full speed as Runeforge down the steep Hill, fall, roll, get up, and continue running. How that didn’t go horribly wrong is beyond me. Was pretty cool to watch but I’m sure all of us there had their hearts sink for a second.
It's all about rolling with the punches! Honestly that 'fall' didn't even have me worried while it was happening...! :thumbsup:
I had a ton of fun help run this game, and beat all ya up...
So much happened I don't know what to say but a few things stuck out -

-Being the Drakes with Stephen during the Empire town battle, it was a lot of fun RPing the ritual and beating some folks up.
-Being Thorador for saturday dinner and helping folks come up with ideas for use of the magical labritory thing, I had some ideas too late, such as Magic Storm scrolls, but oh well.
-Being a Corrupt Golem for the Greater corrupt fight, none of my five dragon magic spells stuck, but it was interesting throwing them. (note: Typically you should back up when someone starts "I call upon X" =P )
-Working with Stephen for the first time on the NPC side, was a lot of fun.
-feeling like I am finally getting the hang of handling Big Cards, I get better each time, can't wait to do some more of them.
-All sorts of stuff that just blended together.
This event was amazing! A great big THANK YOU to everyone who came; PCs, NPCs, and everyone in-between! I love you guys so much, there are no words. :roll:

- York: "She's a Wolf first and a gypsy second."
- Something about being a number of other things, and Foss's dinner date. York correcting Foss that I was his date, at the same time I said I was probably Fern's. There just isn't enough of Tal to go around, apparently. :P
- The general running-around that Tal did between groups of people and things.
- Sitting in the middle of a Romani meeting, and I hear the werewolf. Apparently no one else in the room heard him, but I knew.
- Managing to awkwardly avoid Enan and a good chunk of aforementioned Romani politics throughout the event.
- Kitaruen trying to figure out what Tal's issue was with Enan, and why she wouldn't come back to Wayside.
Eventually, someone concluded: "You came back for Jonathan, didn't you?"
- Laughing far too much, stuck between York and Jonathan.
- Meeting Lilly, practice-dueling with Lilly, generally getting along, and suddenly: "Are you courting my brother?" Wait... am I what?
- Cuddles with Fern and other Wolf-naps are happening, and Fern whacks York for some reason. Tal: "Hey, stop hitting my York."
Fern: "'My York'? You own a lot of people, don't you, Tal?" Tal nods contentedly.
- Chainmail nap, and subsequent less-chainmail nap.
- Joining the Black Wolves more officially. Also, York's reaction to handing over close to 25 gold.
- Practice-dueling with Shanthony, both with and without his shield/my short sword, and winning quite a bit in both scenarios.
- Waking up before breakfast on Saturday and taking a shower!
- Battling the Forsaken again, and not feeling any better about their deaths the second time around.
- Boggles, Beeps, Wake-up Salamanders, and other miscellaneous little creatures.
- Jon hiding in a closet during part of the phase pairs fight, and Shanthony antagonizing him.
- Tal standing up for herself against Dure'dhel, making him trust her to keep the shards safe on her own, and then against Foss,
making him understand that she was with York for the siege.
- Fighting alongside Fern, even in the worst nightmare of an alternate-outcome situation.
- Having the Corrupt Prince Talon guard my refit.
- Talon: "Defend me!" Tal: "With what?" (my swords had been taken) Talon promptly disarms Asura. ...That'll do.
- Sitting beside York in the hall of the keep, refusing to fight against Fern, but allowing others do what needed to be done.
- York hugging Tal after everything was over, which came as some surprise. York: "Let's never do that again." Tal: "Which part?"
York: "The bad part." Tal: "So, all of it?" Yeah...

And there's a lot more; I'm sure of it.
AllianceCHI said:
Fern spewing his guts to Talitha ..she almost had me changing sides...
That was sort of the plan... and then York and Jon disappeared... and I was enslaved... That's when life got confusing.
I explained to some people later that Talitha follows Fern like Fern follows Talon, and the only ones keeping her with the rest of the adventurers at that point were York and Jon. When York and Jon disappeared... Tal followed Fern. It was really an interesting feeling to be on that side, Tal feeling confused and somewhat hopeless, fighting alongside the one she loved most. It made the divide between good and wrong real twisted for a while.

AllianceCHI said:
begging Talon for Talitha's life
Also one of my favorites. Whatever bond Fern, Tal, and York have is absolutely incredible.
Great event, everyone! I would like to especially thank our NPCs, as well as the PCs that hopped fence at times, for running things happen the way they did. I expected great things, and I got them. Here are some favorites, in no order:
  • It's a castle!
  • There was so much less strain on me during logistics, and even though we had some hectic printing and whatnot, it was so much better than usual. Thank you Alysha, Paul, Peter, Nathan, and Stephen for helping out so much with the whole logistics process!
  • Beginning the event with all of NPC camp chanting "Remember the name McGregor!" and hearing the reactions of PCs, as well as getting to play McGregor's lieutenants (even though I'm still sorry about the Chaos Storm stuff, Paul).
  • Memory of Gabriel's lab: "We get to remorselessly beat up Gabriel? You have no idea how long I've waited for this day!" :funny:
  • Getting so see and talk to the Forsaken one last time, especially with Stone using the battering ram, Teague playing Ice, and me swiping the Dagger of the Elements off Flame's belt one second before he went gaseous to escape.
  • "Allow me to introduce the great Slitherkarin!"
  • Empire fight, even if I was focused on one thing almost the entire fight. Trying to talk to Runeforge first, then deciding it was time for action and chasing DT with Paul around the castle 3 times til we finally got him down, giving me the opportunity to tell Runeforge about his love for Nitus, only to unexpectedly hear the same back from Runeforge, then bonding with Runeforge, letting him drain my emotions, before staying true to my family and respectfuilly declining his offer to return to the Empire with him as a student.
  • No-Emotions-Gandian was a lot of fun at times, especially during points when arguments were heated and the town was pissed, and Gandian was totally fine. Kendra's reaction to it was wonderful, and the interactions I shared with her and the rest of my family were great. "Like, I don't want you angry at me or anything..." "That won't be an issue, I assure you."
  • Even if Enan didn't understand it, Gandian's emotionless conversation with him about truly loving someone and doing what must be done if he did.
  • Seeing Stephen's Drake cast a Disarm spell for the first time: "Did you see that?! I cast magic of your land! IT WAS AWESOME!"
  • Seeing so many of my personal creations being put to use throughout the event (the one Mist Guardian mask, the two Drake masks, the Corrupt Unicorn mask, etc.). Having plot use my creations for their notable NPCs at game really just makes me feel valued as an artist (something that rarely happens).
  • Rit castings with Panda, even if my Minor Construct failed. That's what Gandian gets when he tries to follow in Aleksandr's footsteps after getting messed up by Jason...
  • Stephen as Sir Lok, and when he mentioned James the Inconceivable, I was SO hoping to see DT play James! :funny:
  • "So, what was the message of this whole fight?" "We should have stomped out Harbors Far a long time ago."
  • Metal-Fern! The time had come at last!
  • Fern screaming his lungs out at Talitha and Elle, and just having Gandian walk up: "Hey Fern?" "Yeah?" "Do you think you could stop yelling so much?" "Oh, sure." "Thank you."
  • Calmly talking to Talon, shielded by Fern, a minute before his death: "Your excellency, you were a great prince, and I apologize for what has happened tonight." The look of simultaneous resentment and respect from Talon was great.
  • There you go, Gorka! We got that Coatl good! Also, super angry, tense, powerful Killing Blow sequence, with people yelling their KBs in triumph and anger, followed by Gandian standing up and, dropping a packet an inch above the Coatl's shoulder, conversationally adding "Activate Solidify".
  • Later-night bidding war with Regan. If you would have bid 1 gold more, you would have won; that was my cap. :thumbsup:

And probably so much more I'm forgetting. I look forward to seeing you all again, and thanks once again for such a weekend!
Hey everybody, I wanted to say thanks to all the NPCs and the PCs who made this event awesome and the staff for the whole year. I know I was only able to make 3 of the events but I enjoyed playing all three of my toons and get them all into trouble accordingly. I will try to make more next year. :) Thanks you all the people I know up in the north lands of minnie and thanks to the hospitality you all show when we show up early. I'm glad to have friends like you.

So here are my favorites.

~ Shadows Light Honor Guard of Kendra and Kitauren.
~ The kneeling and three out of five groups wanting to join me for the market, it felt good and made me remember why I liked coming to Gaden.
~ Zed, always checking on me, better than Togashin used too.
~ Taking back the castle and fighting on the ramparts all over again.
~ Drakes and Bow theives, just gave Dure'dhel another reason the plaster this guy or try.
~ Test of the Fleet of Foot, awesome jumping mod and it was cool to have a non combat obstacle course. Who knew we all could jump that far the way we were dressed.
~ Silence. Best Bell pocket ever.
~ Slithercarn. Damn those magic polearms causing trouble.
~ Gandian, "you let a stone elf in your head didn't you" and Alexanders struggle with not smiling at me.
~ Lok was a blast form the past and the fact we ended up starting the mod from the cigar circle was cool.
~ Honor duel and bad outcomes. Follow up conversation with Kendra.
~ Bone, drunken Fern, Light Spells, and Dark elf blushing
~ Corrupt Prince and fighting Metal Fern. His insanity in combination with Lok's mad Elle really think. And Talitha not wanting to fight but looking for York and Jon was amazing. Then being murdered by some one she was starting to mildly trust was an eye opener. The sheer emotion behind everyone was enough to put a Mystic over the edge and almost into insanity. I felt bad when Fern Blew up.
~ Creative end with Gandian over looking a Break Command. Pretty hardcore RP in this scene and and room full of bated breath.
~Fighting for life in the circle with DT. That was hard.

I was exhausted and sore, it felt like there wasnt much time to sit down. I am feeling a little better now but still sore. Good weekend guys and hope to see you all again soon.

Heyo, all! It was a lovely to get to PC in SoMN and I thank the plot staff, LARP mom, Alysha, Alexander, and everyone who made the event happen and who helped out with my typical duties so I could make it happen. Ya'll are great. Also, thanks again to plot, to the NPCs, and anyone who worked in the kitchen. YOU are what keeps this game running and without your hard work and dedication, we'd have a significantly lower quality game. You rock. And castles rock!

So my favorites!

- Playing with Pan Da and Hengin. Playing with my best out-of-game friends was amazing. Thanks, guys! I love you both!
- Finally becoming a full-fledged member of Forest's Edge! The tea ceremony was beautiful, I'm so happy Harlequin could be there, our goals are aligned, yet we are free to pursue personal things...yeah. It's going to be great.
- Simultaneously becoming a member of Forest's Edge and then being handed the treasury. :hahaha: This is one happy hobbling!
- Forming a relationship with the Keepers. Thanks for having us join you on the Addercob mod! Here's to many more! And Dagmara, you're awesome.
- Hobbling RP. Thanks, Paul and Ethan! That was a blast! There's so much more to our race than people assume. It's really not about greed and gold! Ok, it is a little, but not ALL!
- The Brewery and Victor's amazing descriptions of all the great brews. Coatl Repellent? Love it. There may be some investment opportunities for Bevin in the future.
- Jimena taking me on as an apprentice in the Earth Guild! Thanks for the great teaching and I can't wait to learn more from you!
- Using a corrupt/undead slayer and swinging 14s. Hell. Yes. As much as I loved using it, it was fun to pass it around and watch people's eye's light up as they swung awesome damage. Putting the slayer into Azura's hands was also pretty awesome.

- Speaking of Azura, after he tooled down the Prince to collapse in utter exhaustion,
Bevin says, "Azura, that was amazing. I could kiss you right now."
"Please don't touch me."
"Are you sure?"
"Alright, I guess."
I won't tell any of his Sarr friends he got love from a Hobbling. ;)

- Kit - You're awesome in so many ways.
"Bevin, would you like to take part in our tea ceremony to honor Gorka?"
"I would love that, Kit! Thank you!"
"We'll be drinking her ashes and our own blood."
"Oh. OH..Uhh....No. How about I ask Hengin? That sounds more up his alley."

- Dueling Shanthony! Super fun and you put up a great fight! I hope this happens in the future! Thanks for the fight practice, Fern!
- Pan Da says, "Someone get Eldandril up! She's down!" Bevin throws spell, way off. Does it again, completely misses. Gets ready to go again and Pan Da chimes in with "Let's just get you closer...."
- Bevin's lecture to Reyn about how EVERYONE is important to the town and that YES, I will heal you when you're down and there's nothing you can do about it.
- Watching Gandian and Runeforge have a moment. Bevin doesn't really know what's going on, but she know's Gandian's not the same after that.

Oh geez, there's probably so many more, but these really stick out. It was fun to play, all! Thanks to EVERYONE for helping make this a great castle event!

Kristin :)
Hi all!

I'd like to start out by saying this event was absolutely amazing!
Some of my favorites, in no particular order:

All the things with Keallit. PB & J and intoxicates was one of my favorites!
Getting told by Kit that if I took advantage of the orc, he would kill me.
Tavern staff, even if it was ridiculous hard work, I enjoyed all the compliments I got.
Resurrecting twice in one fight. Crazy.
My epic save of Three! Hooray for sliding and running into a tree just in time to interrupt a killing blow.
Hobling plot.
Lots and lots more that I can't think of now.

And last but not least, THANK YOU NPCs!
I forgot,

Heeeeyyyy Sexy Golem! And the subsequent dancing of Golems and Hoblings that ensued. Damn Ethan and Ryan got some moves. Do it again!

This was an awesome 2 days of no sleep! I'm still completely bushed from the event. Thanks to everyone involved this weekend. Now to what we are here for.

  • "Where have you been?" "Believe it or not I was lost in the mists for 18 hours." "Darn mists."
  • Mattress jumping for the fleet of foot mod and keeping 2 of my bags on so that I could keep my balance.
  • Slithercarn... My brain going "Wait is that Thud's Pole Arm he just took? Yes it is. Attack!"
  • The action shots I got during fighting practice when taking pictures.
  • Cigar circle was great as we made ourselves the beginning of the mod.
  • Fern "Good job Eve." Brain "Wait did he just complement me? Yay me!" Eve "Um...thank you?"
  • Coming out of the castle several times to fighting corrupt.
  • Werewolf action.
  • Falling asleep legitly on the bench only to have Paul walk up and healing arts me awake.
  • Beeps. "Don't kill them, they'll make you go deaf."
  • Fern "Time for our talk." Mists "The mists take you 1. The mists take you 2. The mists take you 3." No more Fern. Eve "Did anyone else just see that? I'm not going crazy am I?" Jemina "I saw it." Eve "We are in trouble now."
  • Metal Fern...
  • While in a corner refitting being cornered by Fern and the Prince and having my prison dispelled and being beat down while trying to put another one up.
  • Looking at Fern "If you really love your prince then you'd kill me." And Eve forgetting that Fern is actually intelligent for one moment.
  • During the Coatl fight being charmed and told to "Kill the dog." And when I start beating on Lightning and him fighting back the others attacking him thinking he had to be the charmed one not Eve cuz why would Eve fight her own people. >.>
  • "Hey Sexy Golem" along with dancing Hobblings.
  • Resurrection foot rubs.

What a blast. And I'm still recouping from this weekend.


This event kicked my ***. I came home ridiculously tired and sore and on top of that I've spent the last couple days in bed with a nasty cold.

Completely worth it.

Favorite thing number one: the Coatl is dead! I really wanted to celebrate over his corpse, but other people were treating it more solemnly, so I figured I'd follow suit.
The Forsaken fight was great. I got to play on the other side of that the first time around and it was fun taking them on from the PC side.
I really liked getting to know Forest Edge despite some initial loot drama. Hopefully we'll get to see a bit more of you guys in the future.
Metal Fern is scary. I'm really not sure if I was more scared of him or the corrupt prince. I'm not sure why he dropped me after dominating me, but it meant I got to fight our own people from behind the lines after Victor potioned me up. :)
Mad props to Vicki for being able to remove the ridiculous bell-chain contraption from the stand without making any sound on the Ward of Silence mod.
The Empire fight - I love the drake masks, Alexander, you did a great job on those. It was nice fighting something that wasn't a mist memory.
The blighted moose thing was pretty cool. I liked that I got to take it down with my riposte even if Hengin and Panda wouldn't let me fight it properly.
The prophecy was awesome.

I had a really good time at this event. Major thanks to NPCs, the plot team, and our local staff folks for making this all happen.
- It was a CASTLE
- The death of the Coatl!
- The Corrupt Prince and Metal Fern battle
- Using scrolls in combat: Wall of Force to keep corrput out to concentrate on Prince and Fern - well played town.

- RP with the Black Wolves
- Black Wolf Brewery providing fine drinks such as Coatl Repelent - guarenteed to keep the Coatl at least a breath's distance away.
- experimenting on The General after Lightning dropped him
- giving imput to the castle defenses/attack smiths

- Keeping tabs on where Kendra was during the battles
- Using many different weapons
- My talk with Gabriel about blowing off steam
- Seeing the town work together and collecting all 20 memory shards

- The cigar circle
- The Orc General - I had him safe, healed, and protected after the duel - only to be killed by his own weapon...just out of my intercept close to a very different outcome - OOC glad it went that way.