Castryn Enters the Guild

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Jason D.

Finally finding the guild, he finds himself hesitant to enter, pondering to himself. ' What do I say?' .
He looks down at himself, his clothes dirty but reasonably in good condition.

He slaps the dust off his clothes, rakes his hand through his hair and takes a deep breath, 'Here goes..."
He walks through the door way , confidently goes up to the desk he sees and with the best smile he gives and says,' Good day, I wish to register with the guild.'...
The little old lady behind the counter peers over her glasses at you. "You are trained in the art of healing then?" She pulls a very large old book from under the counter. Not waiting for a response, she opens it a flips to a half-filled page. "Name and homeland please." she asks with a quill in hand.
Castryn's confidence almost immediately disappears into the ether. He gathers his thoughts and answers the little old lady's question.
" My name is Castryn Ravenseye, ma'am." He thinks about the second part of the answer and decides to be truthful about it " As for my Homeland, I don't really know where it is." Castryn gives a little smile but it is somewhat filled with chagrin.
She shakes her head at the answer. "I suggest you remember where you are from quickly. It is required for the records. Remember to register with the guild wherever your travels take you." She closes the book and puts it back under the counter.
'Well..Middenvale is where I have been living for all my life with my Ma.....', Castryn stops and thinks for a moment, ' Middenvale is my homeland'
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