Celestial Guild Members


Saturday morning I would like to have a celestial guild meeting. Please speak to me Friday night to confirm the location. The time will be during breakfast.

Thank you,

Fredrick Crawford, Saturnian Journeyman of the Solar Guild of Wayside
Will Solar Vessil becoming to this meeting. I know he plans to come and talk with us all so it woud be good to coordinate if possible.

~Aramis Seablade
If the time changes I will let you all know.

Fredrick Crawford, Saturnian Journeyman of the Solar Guild of Wayside
I will in fact be around for the morning repast of delightful foods and perhaps tea. I will go over a few guild matters, rank, ect.

Also please one and all note. The celestial guild is offering spellcrafted limited circles for the low price of 2 gold for all who want them to store important supplies in. Please supply the rope or chain that will be used. This is in response for the fact that the renovations on the tavern have made storage of gear and warding quite difficult.

(OOG Pay this cost at logistics and then set up the circle in the designated area where all the spellcrafted circles will be placed. The nature of the sleeping areas will make warding quite difficult, there will also be a free circle option posted below later today just need to pay via fae deal for that one)

Solar Yolan Vassil
Greetings may the warmth of August embrace you and hold you close to its bosum. I will be sending a representative of my court to offer the same services as the Solar's Guild except completely free except ofcourse whatever deal my jester shall work with you. He will be around Friday night just as you gather to aid you in this matter. I on the other hand will be coming to pay a visit during the glorious mid day hours.

May the song of life wash over you and embolden you.

Solar Vassil,

I look forward to seeing you again and I may take you up on the Circle of power offer.

Jovin Lord of Summer,

I would request that we conclude our business as soon as possible on Saturday. I hope to see you soon.

May the stars watch you and guide your path.

Lady FallingStar
I will be holding a meeting Friday night. All guild members must attend. If any pressing matters happen Friday night, the meeting will take place immediately after.

Anyone who is interested in joining the Solar guild is welcome as well.

Thank you,
Fredrick Crawford - Saturnian Journeyman of the Solar Guild of Wayside
Journeyman Frederick,

I may have an other matter to address at the very start of the market and will come as soon as i can.
~Aramis Seablade
Journeyman Crawford,

I plan on attending, although I am not very mobile at the moment. I will do my best to attend.

Thank You,
Lady FallingStar
Excuse me for interrupting, I may have a small task I could use assistance in. It's minor I assure you, but those of the arts would have an easier time perhaps. I will leave a note within Fairfax, hopefully another member of the guild receives it.

- Maxwell Edison,
Plutonian Apprentice
Maxwell, if you would like to send me a missive about the matter I will make sure someone is able to get to it should we have time this coming market.

Fredrick Crawford - Saturnian Journeyman of the Solar Guild of Wayside
Hey Journeyman, mind cluing your boss in to what your secret mandatory meeting is all about? Is it about the thing? Or are you finally going to do that other thing?

Clara Clawsome
Solar of the Aether
Is dat dis Friday or next week cuz GRONK ain't gonna be in Westhaven fer a couple days. Also is it everybody in da Guild or just da local ones? Cuz dat could be a lotta people.

Plutonan Prentice of da Solars Guild
Solar Clawsome, yes.

Gronk, this will be next Friday at the next market day.

Fredrick Crawford - Saturnian Journeyman of the Solar Guild of Wayside
Solar Clawsome,

I know a few markets ago the Celestial Guild was offering the sale of spellcrafted limited circles for the low price of 2 gold for all who want them to store important supplies in. I believe this was in response to the renovations on the tavern making storage of gear and warding quite difficult. Do you know if this offer will be extended again or would this matter be best addressed with Solar Vassil.

~Capitan Aramis Seablade
Uranian Apprentice of the Solar Guild of Wayside
Oh, sure, I guess. But this time it's three gold, since that's a Limited Circle of Power plus an Investiture, which is 3 reagents total to Spellcraft plus someone's valuable time. Even if it's Yolan's time, that junk ain't free.

But, we also heard you people are looking for donations to a town fund for whatever. Since we're feeling generous, once your circles are set up the Guild will auction off the Investiture/Divestiture scroll and give the proceeds to whatever fund that guy was talking about.

Fred: so is that a yes to the thing and the other thing both?

Clara Clawsome
Solar of the Aether
Solar Clawsome,

I am interested in getting a limited circle of power, spellcrafted this weekend.

Thank You,
Lady FallingStar
I'd be interested in that invest/divest scroll given that I've recently built a private 5-year circle it would be good to expand it's use.

-Lord Enan Bluewater
GRONK probly won't be dere until Saturday mornin'. Fredrick, I'll talk to you den.

I was wrong, I'll be dere right away. Can I reserve a Circle for me?

Plutonium Prentice of da Solars Guild