Celestial Guild.


Hello All.
I am sending this to ask for your patience with me and the local Celestial Guild.
As some of you know as it grows cold i go home to work and help my people.
Sadly this winter that will not be happening, i will be going to the capital.
I will be there for several months. Most likely till the snow melts.
As you all know this market day a hole the size of a village was taken out of the local Celestial Guild.
Not just in power but in knowledge.
I will be going to talk to my new teacher and master Sorcerer Darius Yanith.
I have only met him twice once last market day in August and this few days ago this market day.
I will not be adventuring with you all, but luckily i am not the only person left in the Celestial Guild.
There are others and they will help you if they are there.
Also while i am at the capital i will try to have a representative come and help you all.
Since i will be at the capital if there is anything you need done there i will be more than happy to help.
Also if you need Celestial Guild help send me a pigeon or talk to me in the dream realms and i will do what i can.
I apologize for not being there but i have much work to do. I plan on coming back much stronger and with more knowledge.
I will come back able to help much more than i can now.
Good luck and glad tidings.

Aldorian Quicksilver
Apprentice of the Royal Celestial Guild of Gaden.
Aldorian, adventuring community, and especially Arcanist Dure'dhel,

I am certain that my recent doings have made me distinctly unpopular, and I can understand fully this ill will towards my Guild and I, for I know that Dure'dhel is a prized member of your community and seeing him stand such punishment is surely maddening and difficult. Dure'dhel was convicted of a crime against this land, but the act of that crime did not show Dure'dhel to be a monster; his crime showed him to be devoted to what he believes is right, regardless of the punishment that awaited his actions. Whilst he may have been demoted from his high title, I firmly accepts Dure'dhel's strong choices and morals and respects that he would be willing to toss aside everything to do must he believed must be done. I hold no ill will towards him, and any that slander his name for being demoted are in the wrong, to my eyes.

I promoted him to Guildmaster of the local branch of the Guild only a month ago, and he was not appointed based on his magical prowess alone. Dure'dhel is a determined worker and caring teacher, and he is still worthy of all of the Guild's respect. Dure'dhel strove tirelessly for the Royal Celestial Guild of Gaden, and I must make it known that the Guild still knows this. Whilst he may have been demoted from his high title, the grandeur and character of Dure'dhel is still recognized. He is but Divested from the Circle I myself granted him authority of, but he remains invested in any other Circles, retains his Mark of Disjunction, and is still fully accepted and welcome in the Guild and in Gaden. He is still a great teacher and worker, for no title can bestow those properties upon a man, and without a title, the man remains as great as ever he was. Members in past have fallen from grace only to rise in triumph once again, including myself, and whilst it is Dure'dhel's choice whether or not he wishes to set along the path of the Guild once more, know that he has not been forsaken by myself or the Guild. Dure'dhel has shown in past to overcome adversity and rise from the ashes of failure into glorious light like a phoenix, and regardless of if he chooses to return to the Guild, I am sure he will go on to great things in the coming years.

Dure'dhel, whilst you may have been merely being polite to me in the wake of what I did, you said before that you hold no ill will towards me, and I repeat that I hold none for you. As I say, you are free to join me any time in the capital or elsewhere for tea or discussion, and if you choose to work with the Guild once again, we are glad to have someone of your character with us once again. If you decide to part ways with the Guild forever more, I can understand your irritation with the Guild and that decision as well, and I wish you the best of luck on all your endeavors from this day forward.

Especially the 7th tier of magic.

From the bottom of my heart, I wish you a good day,
~ Darius Yanith