Celestial Magic Services


Hey Everyone:

My family and I are able to cast wards, provide scrolls, spell-craft celestial rituals and would be happy to do so for you for a modest payment. If you are interested in anything from an arcane armor for the weekend, to a ward, a stack of scrolls or even just an slayer we can provide it for you for a modest payment. Simply contact me at your convenience.


Hey Jehan-guy,

Mai hear you mighty wolf warrior... I not sure bout magics but you gots a hut to make magic? I not know what Mai need other than a pile of fur.

I'm looking for a Ward or maybe a Limited Circle of Power, depending on the circumstances. I'm trying to set up a little shop/sleeping area in the corner of the tavern using a table as one wall and a suspended sheet as the other wall. We'll see how it goes.
Hunter Davion
Hello there Jehan! I hope you are feeling a lot less salty than the last time I saw you!

I seem to have stumbled through the mists, and I have found myself here in Wayside. As you know, I typically adventure in Dragonreach, so if you happen to have any scrolls from there or ones that I can take back through the mists with me, that would be great. In particular, I am looking for a Circle of Power scroll, a Copy scroll, and an Expanded Enchantment scroll. I have just started learning how to use ritual magic, so I won't be able to cast these with much certainty for a while, but I figure that they are good to have on hand!

If you have any other scrolls or components that I can take elsewhere, I would be interested in looking at those, too.

Until I see you next, safe travels!

I do be dhink'n dhat we be interest'd in a ward fo one of the structa in our camp. It will be good tah see you Jehan. Safe travel!


I will provide you and your group with a ward.


While I can spell-craft a circle, its probably less taxing to have a ward in terms of payment. The standard rate is 1 gold for a ward which is roughly what I ask for the spellcrafting however I ask that my client provide the component. I leave it up to you.


I do feel much better thank you. I am excited to see you for perhaps a very short bit at some point. I try to leave this business for non formal magic scroll discussions. I will, however, take look for you to see if I have something for you.


Alas, I am no longer kin..it seems ze fates continue to deny me my first borne race but I would love to meet you perhaps someday. I can provide wards, but not for a simple pile of fur. I you have a magical component of any variety or two, I can prepare a circle of power for you so no one can approach your fur pile. Otherwise if you find a tent or group, I am glad to offer you a ward.


any body gots a magic ponent thingy? So Mai has magic pile of fur?

I give ya a component tah get a magic pile a fur if ya be given me a bit of it. Be need'n a good new bit a fur.

Dhat soun' gud?

-Hengin, the unforgiven

Mai had some rabbit for trade... wished could have made trade... maybe next time.

I will return, perhaps in time for the next market. If anyone has need of a ward, battle magic scrolls, or celestial casting services. I am always endeavoring to help for a reasonable fee. Magical theory discussions and companionship are always welcome.

I am always happy to help if anyone has a problem they could use a few spells to soften. After almost a year away, I'm a bit rusty but should manage alright.

I am also always interested in purchasing items of power, scrolls, components or even studying odd magical phenomenon and trinkets.

My name is Nicolo. I am new to this region of the world, born is Su Lair though most locally hailing from Briarpass. Last year I was temporarily able to use arcane armor and was impressed. I hope to afford some for myself.

Please come see me when you arrive in the area, I enjoyed our previous encounters and the Defenders may be able to assist.

Do yourself a favor and stay away from Enan.

And Jehan, do you have a circle of power scroll available to spellcraft off?

Boy, win one auction and see how they turn on you, I suppose I shouldn't mention my CoP scroll then.

Somehow i just knew you were going to say you had one.

Jehan, I am in need of training. I learned up to seventh circle. was wondering if you could teach me eighth and ninth.
Tets, there is nothing wrong with biding at the last minute to beat your opposition. Don't hold it against Enan. Also I have a CoP if you and Enan can't work out a deal.
Nicolo, I may have a suit of Arcane Armor you can borrow. Come see me when you get to town.
Enan, congratulations on winning the bid.

Squire Foss
It will be good to see you again Foss. I have much to talk to you about, and id also be happy to help you learn more. It was fun the last time i got to teach you.

Squire Syril,

If you still need a teacher I will be happy to help. I ask for a small fee for teaching, really whatever you can afford to bolster the celestial guilds supplies. What you get for it is much more than simply learning the next circle of magic. I tend to try to give at least an hours worth of education on spells, strategy, detailed discussion on spell usage, magical theory, and anything else celestially inclined in hopes of giving you a more in depth knowledge of magic beyond the simple battle magic tricks we use at gathers.


I have never heard of Sur Lair I had to look it up on a map... I will be glad to make your acquaintance and perhaps discuss how your people survive so far out to sea from the rest of the world. It seems there are several offers for a loan of an arcane armor. If you still require it, I can spellcraft it but it is very spendy to do so. I would recommend you look for a scroll, which I can cast for you if you like.


I have a CoP scroll available for crafting, don't quote me on the law but if you plan on casting a COP I think you need guild approval. I could be wrong. Either ways, I can get you the scroll if you need, and if it turns out you need the approval I can negotiate that too.

Lord Bluewater,

I am at your disposal if you require any wards or other celestial services.


I'd like to keep this thread to discuss celestial needs people might need met, such as ward castings, and battle magic scrolls, etc, not an exchange of ritual scrolls and magic items or to settle differences of opinion.

