Celestial Spell Book


My spell book doesn't have enough spells in it. I'm gettin' some ink to fill it out but I need to copy from someone else's. If someone who's gonna be in da Wilds dis week gots a full book GRONK can pay to borrow it, but you gotta get it to me real early in da morning.

Nishit of da Celestial Guild
Initiate Gronk,

As an Initiate in the Royal Celestial Guild of Gaden, you are afforded certain priviledges, amongst those is the priviledge to study from the Cadres' grimoire of spells or the Guildsman who has taken you on as an Apprentice. While the Cadres' grimoire does not normally travel outside the lands of Gaden, I will grant you the honor to study from my own.

You are hereby charged to seek me out during my time of meditation and preparation.

May the Darastrix guide your steps until they bring us the dawn once again,

Arcanist Dure'dhel
Historian and Seeker of the Lost Lore of the Sheltered Lands
Mage and Guildmaster of the Hope's Reach and Shademarch Cadres, Royal Celestial Guild of Gaden
Gronk can cast sky magic? I thought Gronk liked hitting things with big stick.
Master Dure'dhel,

Tank you.


GRONK does a lotta tings you don't know about.

But why you ask for dark-skin-pointed-ears Dure'dhel's sky magic book if you no use sky magic? So you must use sky magic. But that no make sense because your a yellow-skin-pointed-tooth and sky magic is hard to learn for yellow-skin-pointed-tooth's.
Yeah, I cast Celestial magic. Auerie tribe has da best casters and da strongest warriors in all da Sheltered Lands and GRONK learned from da best of 'em.

If you tink Ogres is too dumb to cast Celestial magic, maybe GRONK need to remind you of his strength. So what's it gonna be? Is you gonna back off or do we gotta fight about it? No spells, just weapons.

Two coppers on Gronk win. Any takers?

-Cho Ko Nu
Umm, I don't want to butt in here, but I think it would be wise, to not challenge GRONK to a fight when he won't lose. GRONK is as good as I am at the magic casting, except he's better at hitting things, that's why he's the leader when Leon isn't around--well that and he makes the most money...that has a lot to do with it.

Well in any event, I wish I could see it happen, cause I'd also bet gold on GRONK but that's just me. Actually Gronk, if you need my book, you can take it before you go. I'm going to sit by the fire more, cause it's warm and I don't want to die from the cold.

Also, I'm going to ahh give you the 11g for the Skull thingy that I won so you can give it to the Squire. Also, tell The Dure'hdel I said hi and almost can
I no want fight you GRONK. I see you as bigger worrier. I only confused why you cast sky magic.