Chain Mail


I requested a refund from the web site where I purchased the chain mail ( and they refused to give me one. They would be willing to repair it, if I really wanted to send it back. I don't want to have to send my chain mail back after every larp event though.
I'd send it back at least once and hope its a bit more sturdy when you get it back.
How much did you pay for the chain? Because I'll be honest I've seem some folks who get "good deals" on chain mail really just get pretty weak chain. If so that is just sort of bad luck... :S
Did they have any sort of policy that would allow you to maybe get a new suit of chainmail, instead of just getting it repaired? And did you send pictures with a pissed off letter? :D Thats what I would do, but if nothing else, I would send it back for repair....and try and force them to pay for the shipping! You shouldn't have you thats for sure!

My two cents!
Dreamingfurther said:
How much did you pay for the chain? Because I'll be honest I've seem some folks who get "good deals" on chain mail really just get pretty weak chain. If so that is just sort of bad luck... :S

I paid a couple hundred dollars for it. I don't think it was a good deal.

The sales guy e-mailed me back and forth several times. He was like "yeah, that's a common problem with aluminum should have called and asked." Which means he knew it was poor quality ahead of time! That makes me even madder.
Wow...there has to be a way to solve this...where does this guy live? I wonder if he likes knee caps >.>
ouch man, um yea that really sucks , you should look into trying to get some sort of conciliation from him or something... =\

I'm with Brent on the knee caps, lol
I think she got it from
If you paid for your chainmail with a credit card, you should call your credit card company and cancel (or challenge) the payment. The product they sent you is very unsatisfactory, and you should not have to pay for it. I'm sorry to put this so bluntly, but you got ripped off. Your brand new chainmail should not loose that many rings (I'm sure it was at least 1/4!) unless it has had hard wear and is NOT new. By the time I saw you on Friday night, your chainmail looked like it had been hard used, and I'm sure you hadn't been wearing it for more than a couple of hours, tops. The aluminum rings used to make your chainmail are so weak that I could very easily bend them with my fingers. Just because the salesman says that you should have asked how strong your maile was before you bought it does not mean he is right. He mislead you and that is fraud. You ordered chainmail specifically for your size. Obviously, you intended to wear it.

When (notice I say WHEN, not IF) you call your credit card company to challenge the charges, they will credit them back to you. Then the credit card company will deal with him. Do not let this scam artist steal from you.


I agree with Jen though "buyer beware" is the motto of choice you can attempt to contest the charge and return the defective product to its maker. I would recommend for a "riveted chainmail" which will hold up a lot better for only a little more than you paid. I think Joy had one as Mara Glenbeck and she swore by it and when I make my next fighter type character I plan on going to the same user.

I hope this all resolves well for you, as an old timer, I have a lot of experience with bad deals online, (did you see the hole in my pants on saturday night?? always be carefull of materials used, and look for signs of shoddy materials, poorworksmanship, etc etc before you buy and never ever look at the model and assume thats how it will look on you, often times they will dress the model in the same cut of costuming but with a much heavier fabric or in positve lighting etc and you will get something you'll hate out of the box.

I do indeed have the riveted aluminum chain shirt from

It has held up FANTASTICALLY for me...and I tend to take some very theatrical falls. It's lighweight, fairly tough stuff. The only problem I really had with it was the length (too long, had to split it in front and back) and the neck (too small, had to remove a few rings to open it up). I was able to use lightweight tin-snips to split the shirt and to remove the rings from the neck...great fit, good price. Size-wise...not sure which would fit you, but I wear the medium, if that helps. ThinkGeek is a pretty good company...I would call and ask, but I'm reasonably sure they would allow you to exchange it if you got the wrong size, and returned the item because it didn't fit...again, I would call and check on their policy.
Does the riveted chain (or non rivited chain) from ThinkGeek qualify for 3pts per location chain?
2 points per location, due to the type of metal, IE: aluminum, which is a softer metal.

The shirt, however, is long enough that it rates at 16 points (2 for each torso location = 6, doubled = 12, 2 for upper arms (covers to the elbow) and 2 for upper legs (covers to just above the knee) total is 12 + 2 + 2) without bonus.

For as lightweight and as durable as the armor is...fantastic LARP armor.
I am going through my credit card company now since talking to the vendor failed. They said it would take up to a month.
Well thats good news! Even if its a hassle at least you can get some progress made by going through the credit card company. Good luck and keep the updates coming! (Its like SoMN highschool drama!)

No luck from the credit card company. Apparently I am not allowed to get a refund because I wore it and "had the opportunity to examine it before I wore it." Clearly they did not even read my letter or listen to me when I made the phone call, because I told them it appeared to be fine when I examined it.

Well how the heck are you supposed to know it's a crappy product before you actually use it as it is intended?


I now have lost my faith in the system. Apparently we have zero recourse if we are not rich.