If you paid for your chainmail with a credit card, you should call your credit card company and cancel (or challenge) the payment. The product they sent you is very unsatisfactory, and you should not have to pay for it. I'm sorry to put this so bluntly, but you got ripped off. Your brand new chainmail should not loose that many rings (I'm sure it was at least 1/4!) unless it has had hard wear and is NOT new. By the time I saw you on Friday night, your chainmail looked like it had been hard used, and I'm sure you hadn't been wearing it for more than a couple of hours, tops. The aluminum rings used to make your chainmail are so weak that I could very easily bend them with my fingers. Just because the salesman says that you should have asked how strong your maile was before you bought it does not mean he is right. He mislead you and that is fraud. You ordered chainmail specifically for your size. Obviously, you intended to wear it.
When (notice I say WHEN, not IF) you call your credit card company to challenge the charges, they will credit them back to you. Then the credit card company will deal with him. Do not let this scam artist steal from you.