Char Theme Songs


This isn't a game so much as a curiosity of mine. Whenever I play a character long enough I get attached to them & their mindset. Have you ever just been driving in your car or hanging out on your comp only to hear a song come on & think to yourself, "Hey that would be a perfect song for so & so?" Then you picture a montage of your character running around with the song on in the background like some sort of music video.

It might just be me.

But on the off chance it isn't, if you had to pick one song for your LARP character/s what would it be?

Oh, and a youtube clip/link would be cool to see if you have one.
We have a few different threads like this, but I figure I could post a video for getting in the "let's kick some ***" mindset of one of my toons...


and another one for my gypsy, but it's just the song


Enjoy! ^_^
Whisper's would be Battle Without Honor or Humanity, by Tomoyasu Hotei, maybe followed up with Drowning Pool's Bodies.
Gregor... hunh. For a while it might have been Going Through the Motions, from the Buffy ep Once More With Feeling, but he's outta that emo phase, so I dunno.
Cat was Stray Cat Strut and maybe Secret Agent Man. :)
Kai's would be Wahine Ilikea, by the Makaha Sons.
I didn't give mine right away because I had a few ideas. After much contemplation I figure this would suit present day Alyce. It wasn't my first choice. That title belongs to Only the Good Die Young by Billy Joel. I didn't want to post that one though.


Basically, I picture Roven going through woods with a few of his fellows. Then, ambushing evil-doers and unleashing doom in a volley of arrows. Not the heaviest metal, so everyone should be able to enjoy. I've got another character I'm working to develop down the line, and his song is heavier.