Character Transfers for Oregon Event


Hey All,

Incase you intend to PC at the Nero Oregon Event this coming weekend and are not already on the Nero Oregon Event Pre-reg list, please inform logistics so your character card can be transfered ASAP. Also it would be helpful if you could send a pm to me letting me know or make a post here, as our logistics people have limited internet access, and I can pass on transfer requests.

This is only necessary if you are PCing a character not on the following list. If you are on this list, we already know about you, or you do not require a transfer.

Holly Oostman - Slice
Amanda - Shay Ryder
Carmen Swift - Roan
Nate Bainbridge - D
Val Anderson - Valvatien
Eric Wilson - Nordie
Matt Oostman - Iftikhaar
Shane Renner - Demitri
Leigh-Ann Magill - Kiarra
Bryan Gregory - Arannin
Jeff Rainville - Nightskye
Doug Carlat - Jack Fenton
Adam Staiger - Avaran
Kevin Riley - Harlock
Plazz - Plazz
I understandthat there have been some issues with logistics betwee Oregon game days and events with characters in the Seattle DB. I would urge everyone who has had an issue to email me directly a daveo(at)lostware(dot)com.
Is there any particular reason you want these nero specific problems going there instead of the owner email link that's on the website as contact info?
There have been some problems with those addresses not recieving all of thier emails. If you've not recieved a reply from an email that you've sent to logistics(at) relating to character transfers for this event, please also resend your request to Dave.

Thank you for your patience

So, the linked adresses on the NEW title page are still not working correctly? I was under the impression (since there was nothing stated anywhere to the contrary) that when the boards got back up, those links were working properly as well. Maybe if those email adresses are not reliable there should be new ones made? Or temporary ones established that will ensure players transfer or update requests will get done? I know we all have other things to do in life other than worry about Nero 24/7, but if the lines of communication are not clear and used, then a lot of people are gonna get frustrated, and frustrated players tend to quit playing. We already have low attendance issues, we don't wanna lose any existing players or make bad first impressions on new ones.
The eail addresses there are as reliable as they have ever been. I get the emails sent to the owner alias. I am asking that they be sent directly to my other address to assure that I do get them. In fact, this is the temporary fix while investigating why someof those emails were never recieved when every other address is working well.