

Chicago Staff
From myself, and certainly each of us present, all I can say, is Thank You! What we did could not have been possible for it not for you. You stood your ground, you gave us an opening, you gave us confidence, and your actions gave us HOPE. We believe in you Charis. Do not forget you have family. We may not be related by blood, but we've all bled for each other, and in my book, that's the very definition of a FAMILY.

Thank you, and be well friend.

- Lord Asher Oakheart

While I was indeed glad to feel the Hunter's despair even as you reach his inner core, and watch as his inner strength faded away this is only the beginning. From the day of Jimsir I had the support of but one of your number, and while others may have come around only Durel'del sought me out at every occasion and paid me the respect if not due to myself, due to my mother and all she had done. I will not forgive the insult of the corrupt choosing to single him out, I will repay this insult.

Achuak built a wall of magic and might, In his honor I will build a wall from the corpses of his enemies.

Ulhuar sought to blind the corrupt with magic and enchantments, in her honor I will blind them as well by removing every pair of their eyes within my reach.

Charir fought the corrupt head on in honorable combat until the hunter's cowardice forced a battle, in his honor I will match his numbers until the endless numbers of the corrupt dwindle to no more than a shadow.

Aujir tried to protect the lands by building an army to meet the corrupt's number, I will become as an army and eviscerate the corrupt where ever they go in his honor.

My Mother strove to strike at the very heart of corruption, where she struck with deadly force, I will strike with fear and terror and the enemy will know there will be no peace.

They will rue the day they hunter raised up his blade to strike down my friend....

Their blood will wash over the land.....

His death will be remember by the Vornae as the catalyst to a conflagration that consumes everything in it's path.

the world will see that even the faceless hordes can be made to shrink back in terror.

My wrath will have no limit.....

I will break them in such a way that my pain will seem as nothing in comparison...


<Those sleeping in the Valley of Solace, awaken to find that the cloud less sky has turned dark and foreboding over night, Harsh rains and terrible winds assault those that live there as the constant lightning strikes and thunder awakens children, and frightens even adults with it's fury>
You will crush the corrupt hoards and they will know their nights are numbered. But it still will not be enough to even begin to atone for yours and our loss. We will mourn with you, we will fight with you, and we will eat with you. Join us for our banquet on the 14th of next month.

-Lilly Winters
By the power of the zands and the blood of my people, may vour Hope be undying until thiz land is cleansed or elsz may I cease to be Rrom.

May the light guide us all, and the shadow guard our path,
Klaive Kitaruen Kopanari Stin Svetlo Targoatian
Defender of Blood of the Romani
Son of a Seer and a Chocolatier
Brother to Murdered Sisters
Brother to Murdered Brother
Member of Shadowslight