Charm clarification

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Here is the issue.

In the description of the spell Charm the following two contradicting paragraphs are included:

"A victim of this spell will not do anything
absolutely contradictory to their own race or
nature (such as cast necromancy). If given an
order to attack their own party, the victim would
have to also be given a very good and convincing


"Victims cannot refuse to obey orders with
the explanation that they “wouldn’t do that even
for my best friend.” This spell overwrites the
logic of the brain. If your new “best friend” tells
you to hand over all your items, you will do so
without question."

So which is it? Does it overide the logic of the brain or does it not force you to violate your core nature? Either is fine but as written its internally inconsistant.

Dwarves hate trolls at their core and vice versa. What happens when a troll charms a dwarf?

Greater Lich Jesse charms High Ogre Earth Templar Dave. Greater Lich Jesse is hurt badly and is out of Cause type spells, so he asks High Ogre Earth Templar Dave to cast Necromancy to heal is undead butt. Should High Ogre Earth Templar Dave destroy Greater Lich Jesse anyway for being undead (per the former paragraph noted)? Or will High Ogre Earth Templar Dave help his new buddy and cast Chaos (per the latter paragraph noted)?

Gypsy Jeff hates all non-gypsies. Dryad Dustin charms Gypsy Jeff and tells him to heal Dryad Dustin's friends (who are not gypsies). Does Gypsy Jeff refuse (per the former paragraph noted)? Or comply (per the latter paragraph noted)?
Being worked into the next batch of Addendums.
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