Cherry Pit


How much can bees buzz about busy bees being busy bodies? I am...ever confused!

I gave her the tools when she asked. Sight unseen! she needed, the feather, the string, the scroll...why not simply put the pit back in the cherry and make the tree whole before its a hole?

Now busy as busybodies can be busy bees, this worker bee has all the honey it needs to complete its plan...why oh why, man, not ask for that which will blossom when renewing your life and birthing anew in the circle with me once simple cherry man?

Why instead let the pit sit iddle, the fiddle unplayed, and the murderer loose in the farmhouses? why not instead take what you need and heed the warning of the trees?


Hello Poot,
You have a few interesting questions in your dreaming. And we may have a common connection i would like to discuss with you. Would you be able to me with me in a little over a month or lete know where I can send you a pigion to talk more privetly. i think it would be illuminating for both of us the share over a cup our story.
~Capitan Aramis Seablade
Hello there Seaman,

I don't think you see, that your words sow mistrust in my barely contained mind seam. It seems some sew strange things strewn about cups and other things a Biata ought not do. I find, however, that seeing you in person would be sewing myself into a potential un-seen trap.

You see, there are those, I know who you are, who think if a man won't give us what we want, lets simply kill him, or better yet, torture him. There are those who would prefer not to ever have the truth revealed and even if given what they want would prefer to kill, maim, hurt, slaughter, torture, and debase their nobler natures for a chance at hiding the truth of their heart.

I refuse.

Pasha Poot
My Lord Poot,

Good day. My name is Cyn and I wish to inquire about the purchase of healing elixirs if you by chance have any to spare. I am seeking to outfit the people of the land with as many healing potions as I can afford in order to keep them well and whole.

If you have them to spare my lord, may I arrange a way to purchase them from you. I would not wish to put you in an uncomfortable position so I leave any meeting completely in your control.

Thank you in Advance !

In Service,
Handmaiden to Duchess Fairfax
Probationary LifeStorm
"It is better to light a candle, than curse the darkness."
"The Light is what the Darkness most Fears"
"In the end- only Kindness matters"
My clever lady,

I am no lord, I assure you.

It would please ever so please me to aid the people get the chemical aid they need. Just curatives? nothing else?

Please let me know how many you wish to purchase, and I shall provide you a price in coin...or do you wish to trade something else?

