PASS Chicago Rules Proposal - Allow Crossbows to be built using a core


Atlanta Staff
Proposed by Chicago (amended) 3-3-23
Seconded by Minnesota 3-30-23

Summary: Crossbows may now be made of closed cell foam only or have a PVC or other approved core. Crossbow limbs may not have a core, only the stock/barrel. No string is attached. A crossbow cannot be used for blocking. It is considered a Two Handed weapon for attacking purposes.

Vote: Allow Crossbows to be built with cores [PASS]
The following chapters voted for this policy: Crossroads, Minnesota, New Hampshire, Gettysburg, Wisconsin, Chicago
The following chapters voted against this policy: None

Synopsis of conversations: There was a lot of back and forth regarding the specifics of the core, but overall the weapons *having* a core was of little concern. The main focus was on how that core was held within the item.